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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. Man, and everyone thinks my football team is full of lesbians...
  2. The BF nabbed that for me, but just haven't had the time to play. I'm a survival horror fan, and The Evil Within is pretty freakin' creepy. you can definitely see the Resident Evil/Silent Hill input.
  3. Churchill is on my list of places I have to go. Would be very cool.
  4. Guessing this one (for others...). Nic Grigsby ‏@Nic_Grigsby5 Oct 13 It takes 11 other players for a RB to be successful in any off in te CFL. Let me know if you can find one RB that can run 1 vs 12?
  5. Thanks, super helpful.
  6. Why not?
  7. ... The consensus on the CFL Facebook is hilarious. They want him in now...
  8. And to think they could have had Kuale for a first or second round pick...Taman - come on get it done! Kuale is tied for second in the league for most penalties with 11. Only Odell Willis has more with 13. Sorry but the Peg will be Kuales last stop in the cfl. To be clear, I'm quite sure he was being sarcastic.
  9. I'm genuinely curious how you can come to that conclusion. Have they even practiced since the game? And trust me, we're Bomber fans. We are sceptical from years of experience. The next guy is always going to fine... Right?
  10. They've already pulled Tino though. How confident are they really?
  11. "That's all up to the coaches, realistically I think Tino is going to be the guy this week," said Taman. "Kerry's not coming in here to be a guy that stands there and holds a clipboard. He's here for a reason, he'll get thrown into the mix and see how he does. I think if Tino produces and plays as well as he can, he'll be the guy." Hehe...heh...heh.. This is only funny because what faith (mgmt and fanbase) they showed in Sunseri - and how quickly they pulled him? Now, Joseph is the next guy up after they throw Doege to the wolves against one of the best defense's in the league? Oooook. This is the running back situation all over.
  12. It's not just for this season. It has to be for next season as well & beyond. That's what competition & evaluating is all about. To find players to push some to play better & for others to push out the door. But to have a philosophy of we'll either win or lose with the guys we got isn't smart. It's what losing organizations do. We seem satisfied with the players we have... And now our record I guess as nothing seems to change. You can be a good fan but not be happy. If you support the team it's okay to ask questions. Right - but injuries became a problem midway ish through the season (about when Wild went down, and Moore went out). Bring in a guy midseason and he could be more of a hinderance than a benefit. Not sure if you, or anyone else remembers, but there was so much Walter love before a down was played - and I was not one of those people. I said the year would play out and we'd find more then. I thought he did "ok" then, and I think he's doing "ok" now. The sky is NOT falling. Even if we DID make the playoffs, how far they went would be... questionable. That said, I still love this team, and this game, and interest just doesn't go away because the team sucks. (and yes Grigsby is a problem. I'm just saying I don't need twenty "sky is falling" posts to tell me that )
  13. I'm also not on the "Grigsby is the problem with this team" train.... so....
  14. I'm also generously curious why you guy think if they bring in someone with 5 games left, that they would actually contribute in a positive way immediately.
  15. I got tired of all the bitching and complaining about the same thing over and over... so... I still watch in in the peace and quiet, and keep my rants to myself (they are just as frequent however... but no one talks back). What I do not get about this place - who CARES if your team sucks, it's still your team. Why can't you pick them to pieces and still have them be your team? Why CAN'T you just look at the team critically without the sky is falling attitude? I'm still going to watch every game I can, or listen to it. God, I remember all the crap I got for not being super high on the team at the beginning of the year. "They're a different team!" "Can't you just be happy for them?". They made a LOT of positive steps this year. BC and Sask are struggling as well. Edmonton is 2-4 in their last 6. Those teams all have a better supporting cast than the Bombers though.
  16. I knew there was a reason I didn't like you...
  17. Writing as a CFL fan, is it bad that I really don't care whether Durant comes back or not this year? Great athlete, has come a long way in understanding our game, but there's always been that 'something' about Durant that annoys me. Annoying in how he approaches the game, his teammates and the rest of the league. It's hard to put that feeling into words other than he doesn't appear to come across as authentic. Hope I'm wrong for his sake. Just my opinion as a CFL fan. His attitude definitely rubs me the wrong way. And the soccer-esque dives he takes when he gets a little nudge. It's because Migs does not understand MUTLIQUOTE. Is it a Saskatchewan thing?
  18. Maybe that's why I can't stand that typecasting and I'm not a skinny mini myself. Just the worst. I had hoped that her next movies wouldn't be like that... but don't really want to risk it.
  19. We have both and never use the PS4, other than a few games here and there. I'm not sure why the bf felt the need for both... something about exclusives for each console (which are few and far between). He's always been an Xbox fanboy though. I think the only thing he really wants the PS4 for is the Last of Us sequel and the remastered version. There's a few issues playing some Blurays on the Xbox One. I find the PS4 controller awkward.
  20. I find Melissa McCarthy un-freaking-bearable. Can't stand her. The fact that so many people seem to adore that movie makes me seriously question our society. I can't tell if people like her because she's comfortable in her own skin and overlook the fact her acting is suspect, or if it's that her characters that bother me, and I should give her more chances.... I don't know. Her face gets plastered everywhere (good for her...) but I just can't stand her! Oi vey.
  21. No problem, just no one had mentioned how quiet it was, so I just wanted to clear up that it was quite quiet live. Likewise I didn't watch it on TV so couldn't say what it sounded like on there! As for the TERM tough love - I have no doubt that Willy fully knows what he, or the receivers, did wrong. He's a smart guy, these are just growing pains. He has always admitted his mistakes and the last game was no different. I sure don't think the sky is falling and Willy won't be an effective starting QB - but he needs to make better decisions sometimes. And he would be the first to admit it.
  22. My name is Robyn and I am a Minecraft addict (Xbox One)
  23. Parks and Rec is to me a show that's a lot like Arrested Development in that the cast looks pretty good but the show I just don't find funny. See, I feel that way about Arrested Development, but adore Parks and Rec. I can't even watch anything with Kristen Wiig in it, because I grew to dislike her so much from every SNL skit she was ever on. Plus the first movie I saw with her was Bridesmaids... and I couldn't stand it.
  24. Wonder if this will "kickstart" other teams doing the same thing.
  25. good to hear. Their drummer is outstanding. Did either of you see Mastadon and Opeth a couple years back? I missed it... still kicking myself... if I had to choose only one metal band to listen to the rest of my life, it would be Opeth... and it's not even close. I've seen Opeth a few times, it may have been at the Garrick I saw them last for the Watershed release. Which was... forever ago, now that I think about it....
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