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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. Bomber fans are suspicious of a "new superstar" just coming in effortlessly, because we've had how many years of experience in this? Luckily (for Rider fans....) their offense has not relied heavily on the passing game. However - their offense also has not won their games for them. Can you consistently win games with special teams and defensive turnovers? We'll find out.
  2. Also when is the vet cut deadline? He could replace Bryant in a second.
  3. When does the PR expand? Matthews would be welcome here, I expect. Experience with the system, and Ottawa is just.. awful.
  4. Oh ease up surgeon general.. Its a horrible drug but its no meth,heroin, krocodile, oxy or even mdma.. The fact he is injecting it tho tells me he has an addictive personality and probably stuggles mightily with addictive substances.. Hopefully he gets the help he deserves.. ... let's not even try to rationalize cocaine or crack use here. They're no mary jane, that's for damn sure.
  5. Eskimos are massively overrated. Their defence is pretty good but their offence truly stinks. The way Reilly plays he won't have a long career either. And the Riders aren't...? You can't be suggesting the Riders are above Calgary when they barely beat the Bombers at the LDC.
  6. Article said he was last OC @ Gilbert High School, not raking in the dough that's for sure.
  7. Uh... what design? It looks like just some binding on the shoulders and that... is it..
  8. Reebok can't win. Make them too plain and they're boring, make them "out there" and people hate them.
  9. I can't tell if you're kidding or not. I'm going to assume you are not. Did you SEE the play? That LOOKED nasty. I think it was the BC Sask game where Durant went down and rolled around like a goddamn soccer player, looked around, then walked off sheepishly. No way was that Willy did, not to mention that was the only time he showed any pain all season during a game. What a stupid post...
  10. It's inspired by the black jersey they wore in the 1994 Labour Day game. Nothing to do with Ottawa... at all.... http://www.calgarysun.com/2012/09/02/stamps-excel-as-men-in-black
  11. Yeah Jpan - this one is clearly retro, people here should love it What is Calgary's regular retro jersey?
  12. And they just instituted a new domestic violence policy... http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000384861/article/roger-goodell-apologizes-for-decision-in-ray-rice-case
  13. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/08/28/gordon-asks-browns-for-permission-to-go-to-cfl/?utm_source=FB%20-%20SNF%20on%20NBC&utm_network=facebook&utm_post=2970633&utm_tags=
  14. So wait... who's our ACTUAL backup?
  15. Good luck with that. The Roughriders this year have a mean and nasty defence and absolutely savage offensive line. Should the Riders stay healthy they have a very good chance at repeating as champs. If not, they will still be in the mix. Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth a little bit. Disappointed for Dressler he couldn't make it in the NFL. I'm sure he is as well.
  16. Re that awful picture. Is it emulating a photo from Orange is the new Black that I'm missing?
  17. Odd question... is the $200-$250k per YEAR (so half that for the remaining season)? No way that could be $250k for 9 games... could it?
  18. Kind of funny - the one in BC was literally outside BC Place (so I think). A BC fan here was saying at least they had to pay a pretty penny for it.
  19. .. and I still find the 1-7/7-1 billboard funny, regardless of the outcome.
  20. It made more sense when it was Green is the new Orange.. now it just seems sad. Not to mention, what were they thinking when they chose that picture? Really?
  21. Madani (on Calgary radio) was saying they aren't super worried about it, it had some swelling and it sounds like bruising. They'll know more after xrays.
  22. I can just imagine the chaos here if they did that.
  23. Absolutely. Division winners get first round byes while the four teams with the next best records get 3-6 regardless of division. This still keeps divisions in play but ensures that the teams with the 6 best records are in the playoffs. It seems like an easy solution. Is that not similar to have the NHL works? Like two guaranteed in each division and two "wildcards"?
  24. It looks badass.
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