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Everything posted by robynjt

  1. Said yes (partially out of spite because I'm pretty tired of all the complaining about them), but will likely wait a while.
  2. What part of The Royal Blue jerseys are the third decorated jersey - as shown here http://store.bluebombers.com/mens/jerseys.html - does everyone NOT get? I'm curious.
  3. Great point mbrg - everyone hated/hates those as well...
  4. Man, good things you CAN STILL BUY THE ROYAL BLUES.
  5. Heard Milo was hurt. But dang am I the only one who's noticed that little guy has gotten a bit.. ahem... pudgy?
  6. Why not... have divisions, but the top 2 teams from each get playoffs (to get home games) and the rest fight it out?
  7. I am almost positive people here are still hoping for another royal blue jersey.
  8. I'm ok with that.
  9. Meh I love plaid, so I guess I don't hate the helmet as much as the rest of you? *shrug* ... BC is still superior however.
  10. Well, I get crap around here a lot because I always look at calls from an objective point of view. If you're holding, you're holding - it doesn't matter the colour of your uniform or whether or not I'm cheering for that colour. Both the 'illegal hands to face' penalties were, for example good calls (bad on Howard, but the officials got it right). On the PI (which luckily cost us nothing) Suitor was 100% right. It was a poorly thrown ball, and Bucknor did absolutely nothing to prohibit the receiver to go to get it. All Bucknor did, as per Suitor, was go after it too - which he has a right to. Yes, it looked like he had his hand on the receivers back, and he definitely 'pushed' him a little bit for sure - but it's a game of contact and that happens all the time. TBH - if the live official thought that was PI and threw the flag, I'd have a hard time overturning it. But, the live official was fine with the contact, he had the best view point. So why some dingledorf in Toronto decided to overturn it....... wow just wow. You're right, it could open the floodgates, as you call that PI, then you could call PI on pretty much 90% of the incomplete passes there are when a defender is in the immediate vicinity. Big black mark on the CFL there - obviously they wanted Toronto to win this game. That's my assumption - like all other calls, if a flag was thrown (or a play deemed a fumble), there needs to be overwhelming evidence to overturn it. Same thing if a flag was NOT thrown (or he was called down by contact). This just seems... ugh. In live motion, I thought it was obvious he was going for a ball. Slowing it down, it could be either way imo.
  11. Here's the link to the store with the horrific namebar, fyi - http://toronto-argos-store.myshopify.com/ From the release video: So I'm HOPING the jersey will not actually had that hideous bar, but why would they even put it out there??
  12. Interesting. From the looks of the pin, the 'camo' looked random with With gold splattered in there.
  13. The name bare on the shop looks ridiculous....
  14. You must be new here... I'm afraid that clown Gary Lawless has too many followers on here. Him, and a bunch of other nuts called the local Winnipeg media try and pull the emergency cords whenever any sign of setbacks comes out. I haven't visited the WFP site or listened to CJOB today, but wouldn't be surprised if someone said something dumb or reactionary to that. I had said earlier this year, the team just as it started on winning streaks will have its losing streaks too, we as fans need to realize and accept that. I'd love to see big wins like opening night and the big road win in BC Place every week, but we gotta be realistic about that and realize that just isn't going to happen every week. Especially with a team as young as ours. The way I see it, these players have a lot of learning to do, and from watching last night's game and going over other film, I more than believe they will learn lots from it. At this point, no need to do anything extreme. The O-line will need to improve, but get them healthy, maybe make an addition or 2 over the offseason this year, and I think we got an O-line of Grey Cup caliber heading into 2015. I -believe- Noeller is referring to the fact that road griller is a troll (and an obvious one).
  15. Bomberfan, there is no Gold in the digital camo? Yeah, Jacquie, there is already apparel in the cflshop with that... I actually think the light jacket looks pretty sharp. http://www.cflshop.ca/reebok/winnipeg-blue-bombers-sl14-gridiron-lw-jacket-13698
  16. Hope that never happens because you could literally call holding on 75-80% of all plays. Talk about killing the flow of a game! To be fair, regardless coaches can still only call two challenges a game - don't think it would "kill the flow" of the game as much as you think it would.
  17. Sorry if this was mentioned, but I saw THREE guys launch themselves at the running back consistently and not a one wrapped him up or even tried. Ridiculous. The lack of calls on game impacting holds from Toronto was infuriating. Our guys were holding do, no doubt - but they were called. In regards to the PI, I wish they would only overturn it IF it was absolutely so blatant the fact the ref missed it was astounding - which before this one was moreso the case (imho).
  18. From CFLShop -
  19. In that strain, I met someone who HATES the Lego Movie? What. The. Hell.
  20. That looks totally different. Blegh. I'm ok with the design *shrug*
  21. Anyone watch the TSN promo on Grigsby? Sounds like the team really believes in him. I wouldn't immediately rush to put the blame on him, but it does seem like he is struggling and that is most definitely not helping the passing game. That said, Willy was just not on his game tonight. **** happens....
  22. Thanks, not sure why I completely forgot about Stubhub.... We got the last pair in the P4's. They asked how many we needed so there may be a bigger chunk of seats out there for anyone else interested
  23. Was Ford injured last night? I thought I heard something along those lines.
  24. Called the Bomber office and got some decent tickets. Just a head's up
  25. I should ask him if I can use his TSN GO log in... freakin' tsn...
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