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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. So I guess we can now expect Brown to be the next Bomber hire?
  2. Practice does not make perfect....perfect practice makes perfect.
  3. Does Hamilton have smarter rookies than Wiinipeg?
  4. The entire football operations department was redesigned by the Athletic Therapist, Equipment Manager and former AGM as it was not functional.
  5. The problem I have is there are two absolute neophytes currently responsible for a sports franchise that hopefully has hit the absolute low point possible. Is that some reason to be concerned? And you can attach a BoD that have not had what one might suggest is a stellar history in the people they have hired. Is that an additional reason for concern?
  6. More is better? I want quality not quantity. It's like needing to hire a QB coach. Do we need a QB coach? Perhaps. Or perhaps we need quality coaches and quality staff as a first goal.
  7. It remains a result oriented business unfortunately. It sells tickets , merchandise and accrues playoff revenue. It ultimately translates back to the bottom line.
  8. It maybe the case. Too bad. He was good but had to still get passed Mack's assessment of players. They may have not always shared the same opinion on players and as Mack was the boss he had the final say.
  9. So now close counts in football? As people have stated the record is the record is the record....ain't horses shoes, atom bombs, ballroom dancing, hand grenades or turd fights....close doesn't cut it.
  10. Asper hired the architect that had no clue how to design a stadium. Hence some significant redesign requirements were needed....hence some huge additional cost.... Does that let him off still?
  11. Bauer left when it became evident that the new chairman Watchorn wanted to meddle and get the BoD involved in day to day football. He saw it coming and said this does not work. Was he right or wrong?
  12. LaPo saved his butt by winning one game and going to the Cup after an extended bad streak. Following a 4-14 season.not sure the wheels were on there?
  13. Who ever is being told who is being hired in their area....particularly when a GM has not been hired to run football ops? That makes no sense to me.
  14. I am positive Couture is the best most qualified guy in the league...so leave him to do it.
  15. Not sure he would want being told how to do his job? So you swallow it like some or go elsewhere as an option.
  16. The CFL requires teams to have a certified athletic therapist. Fisher has no certification. Couture is a certified AT, registered massage therapist, that teaches at the massage therapy college, certified strength and conditioning and certified personal trainer. He may very well be the most qualified guy in the CFL. He would be a huge loss if Miller wants to mess into that area too.
  17. With what buttons? I don't think the 5 million the Club had to pay him when his deal fell thru will cover the purchase....not even the cost over runs.
  18. I guess my only issue is why does any consideration of privatization have to be automatically associated with "that guy"? I still vote for the idea of True North managing the facility and the team without them necessarily beng "owners" per say .
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