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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. You guys are far to literal......my reference to the rotten apples was aimed at those who choose to over simplify and lay sole blame on Hall. Clearly there is a greater level of complexity to the defensive situation. It is amazing how much an impact Hughes had in Sask to improving their defensive situation. I do believe the addition of Bighill might make a similar impact on improving Hall’s defence.
  2. Pretty funny in a Sask vs Toronto game that the refs are still bias against the Bomber fans.
  3. And you know Hall picks the players? The GM and player personnel gurus bring in the players that the position coaches are left to work with and then collectively the coaching staff picks. Give them a basket of rotten apples and you get to pick the least rotten ones I guess.
  4. It isn’t necessarily run to surprise an offence. It can be effectively run to out man and create odd man pressure on the offensive lineman. Perhaps it was felt that they weren’t able to effectively pressure Riley with a 4 man rush. The other issue still remains is the secondary at fault due to poor schemes or below average personnel. Some people on this forum seem to feel they are uniquely qualified to make that determination.
  5. At some point perhaps assigning blame can also give a little credit.....Riley is one of if not the best QB in the CFL
  6. D gave up one big play....don’t blame the D for turnovers....let’s not start the fire Ritchie Hall sing song already.
  7. I predict that injuries will have a significant and unpredictable effect on the standings.
  8. Bash bash bash...to what end? I wonder what the Rider site says about us cutting the first over all pick from last year. It would be nice if wins and losses did the chirping for the entire league.
  9. Jets turned the puck over too many times in the neutral zone.
  10. Coaches by definition are optimists....you would expect nothing else.....especially when it is for public consumption. Sure it’s fun to play the psychological card in a final when you label yourself as the underdog but certainly not the stategedy you want to use in game 1of 18...even though you look at your QB depth chart and know otherwise.
  11. Thanks Blue and Gold 84, it was a ridiculous comment.....based on his logic I wonder how Goalie then feels about Wpg’s goaltending against Vegas?
  12. If you use the fact that teams playing with an experienced starting QB as a predictor...you might think that factors into odds. I would suggest this will be documented when PRO LINE lists the odds for the Bomber games. They may in fact not even post odds for those games given the QB situation. I get that fans deem this to be negative thinking but odds are not established by fans. One advantage teams playing with unestablished QBs is that opposing teams have little video to analyze when scheming to defend against them.
  13. Experienced QB depth in this league is paramount. The likelihood of any QB playing all 18 games is remote so keeping a reserve is prudent. It is unfortunate that Durant didn’t work out. It was a good plan and the outcome was certainly unpredictable.
  14. How about players who perhaps weren’t necessarily about stats but were about winning championships? There are those that argue that the measure of success is measured in championships.
  15. How did teams ever manage to win Grey Cups before the era of 12 or 13 coaches?
  16. Finally a true MLB....the first true MLB since Lobendahn.
  17. Always a risk with signing bonus money. You can’t tie any other conditions to signing bonuses....it is in fact literally a bonus to sign the contract. The entire incentive from the International player perspective is that signing bonuses are taxed at a preferred rate of only 15%. Any other roster bonus or conditional money is taxed based on the players income.
  18. People wanted to run Maurice out of town after last season......they have had a great season under his direction this year and are battling against a good team with a huge amount of playoff experience. They are now going into a game 7. If it was an easy job all the arm chair coaches here would be in the NHL. I guess you now all think Pittsburg should run their coach out of town now.
  19. You can’t have too much National depth on your roster
  20. The bigger issue is the need for Wpg to find a legitimate MLB
  21. Isn’t the April mini camp coming up? Teams do this, sign guys to look at them at the mini camp and then decide if they survive to rookie or main TC.
  22. The impact MLBs are the hammer they deliver the blow to the opposition player they don’t absorb the impact.
  23. The real need is developing a test to determine CTE premordem.
  24. No challenge for illegal contact is a good one!
  25. Moving on from Henoc is all well and good. I respect that. Finding a viable solution to the MLB situation remains the task that needs to be dealt with.
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