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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. I don't give a hill of beans about who can or can't develop a QB. The ability to recognize the potential in a QB is good in my books. Just win
  2. Patience wears thin when there is no apparent sign of progress.
  3. Why don't coaches start rookie o linemen? Because they are afraid. LaBatte was good enough but the only reason he got to start was because Fat Sheridan got hurt. Why do we keep playing subpar Import o linemen when a non import might prove to be his equal or better?
  4. Which QB has demonstrated the greater ability to complete a long ball, stretch the D and force DBs to play off. LaPo has already said Willy follows his reads and progressions as instructed. LaPos same old check down, dump off passing game. People think Hall and Stubler play a bend don't break D. The theory behind that is it forces the O to complete 10-15 play drives that they think is not going to happen. A defence designed to work against the likes of LaPo. So is LaPo the problem, Willy the problem, who is playing with an o line that can't run block so it is screens and dumps to Harris. Again a system that is predictable and now being defended against.
  5. Unfortunately we are not privy to what other football related decisions Miller is responsible for that may not have been positive ones.
  6. At some point Miller said he would be involved in football related decisions. He can only be Mr. Teflon for so long.
  7. Interesting the sentiment about making a mistake in bringing back MOS this season. The greater mistake was his initial hire. As to Miller making the Club money. Attendance is dive bombing. The Womens soccerr deal was in the works long before Mr. Miller was on the scene. A blind squirrel could collect the nuts from the upcoming NHL game.....thanks Mr Chipman.
  8. If people believe that the sole dysfuntionality of this team is the HC I think they are mistaken. Does firing MOS improve the run blocking, pass rush, tackling, and anything else that you believe is at fault with this team?
  9. Well TSN reported that MOS and LaPoop said that Willy was making all the correct reads and progressions in the passing game. Maybe the affects of concussions are contagious.
  10. Not sure what Asper's influence now that he is off the BOD. He tried to get Taman back when Mack got the job. Taman wasn't interested then. He and Dunn were also instrumental in the Miller hire too.
  11. The curious question might be how good a HC would have Tresman been without AC? A bad QB in Chicago didn't work out for him. Coaches are only as good as the players they are given to coach. All of a sudden Wylie forgot how to coach the o line? Or maybe you expect him to make steak out of pigeons. The only visible run game are the fans running to the parking lot.
  12. So you are going to tell a HC, who knows his ass is on the line that he is going to risk whatever future he has here on rookie QBs. And when he says no you mercifully do whatever? Fire him?
  13. Change works when u have people qualified, experienced and knowledgeable to make them.
  14. Keep the entire crew arose nd so they can suffer with the rest of us. Why s be them packing and getting paid to watch cartoons. You hired a crew of rookies..top on down and now we are three seasons into the rookie show.
  15. The notion was that replay was an attempt to make the correct call. It has contributed to reduce the forum threads bitching about " bad calls"
  16. This just shows you that there are not enough quality National players to service 9 teams. Usually players start getting dragged back off the junk pile later in August.
  17. Coming off the bench? His butt is glued to the bench and will remain there until ( wait for it) Willy gets hurt.
  18. Nicholis sucks......then why the hell did we acquire him and then why the hell resign him?
  19. Having a QB that is better than one that you say is awful really breeds confidence
  20. Harris compiled basically 1/3 of the offensive yardage against Edm. Look for teams to SPY him when designing their defensive packages in the future. It seems apparent shutdown Harris and you shutdown the offence.
  21. Not really sure where Burris has been when the situation sucked?
  22. Nobody gets fired. As soon as people start getting fired you put a target in yourself for being the guy that hired the wrong guy in the first place. So ultimately you place yourself in the cross hairs. Here is a situation where **** actually flows up hill back at you.
  23. Don't blame the dog on the end of the leash, blame the master at the other end of the leash, he's the one that keeps walking the dog out onto the field.
  24. PS the o line can't run block worth a hoot either.
  25. The two PI challenges that could have easily gone the other way......so show the refs some love this week the stars were aligned for a change.
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