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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Any security nearly isn't worth a hoot if you do n't pressure the QB
  2. That points to the length and depth of the problems that are associated with this team.
  3. Blame Willy all you want. He isn't responsible for poor tackling, poor pass and run blocking, poor coaching decisions and anything else that you think may have contributed to that effort or lack there of. The only saving grace was Calgary feeling merciful and only rushing the passer with 3 guys.
  4. Given the number of missed tackles by a buffet of assorted players it seems pointless to attempt and isolate blame on a singular player at this point in time
  5. Believe it. Best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour
  6. The two rookies entrusted to run this team were actually three rookies. Not sure Miller gets a free pass given he was at the top of the food chain that built this crumbling pyramid.
  7. QB depth remains pivotal in this league. Even early on as demonstrated in Ottawa and Hamilton. I have no belief that BC would even entertain the notion of trading Lulay. Ironic that there has been little or no mention of inserting Nichols into a game even for a series or two? Why did we even sign him if people want to immediately bypass him ?
  8. How does LaPo as HC improve the overall situation with this team?
  9. Be happy for the upgrade of this stadium and look forward to it happening in Calgary for the betterment of the entire CFL
  10. Nobody has indicted that not giving up 5 sacks might contribute to a win
  11. Realistically how many of those 9 LBs are potential starters and how many are simply ST players listed as LBs?
  12. Who looked good and when looked bad is inconsequential at this point. Football is clearly a team game. Good teams find a way to win poor teams.....not. The patience mantra has been beaten to death....the W's are the only measuring stick that will both appise and be an indicator that this team has truly turned the corner.
  13. Kevin Glenn plays like he is afraid and nervous, Willy looks scared to death....you simply cannot play QB like that.
  14. Iso some pretty serious ifs in your post. Legitimate
  15. The passport issue always becomes a factor for every team at some points not during the season
  16. They have to account for them in their roster limit.
  17. I predict that injuries will impact teams' records, coaches will make questionable decisions, officials will make calls fans don't agree with, weather will influence the outcome of games and all those things contribute to the unpredictability of the CFL season.
  18. Sask had to had the BC players to the roster because they had to account for them. They can then keep them active, reserve, injured or PR them at a later date if the players then agree to it.
  19. Someone said Bucknor makes too much $$$ to be a backup. I guess that means we are saddled with Hurl starting? Hurl was perhaps less exposed on plays than you think Bucknor was? Only because he had players closer to the play to help hide his poor tackling perhaps
  20. He will survive in a league plagued with a shortage of Nationals, at the very least he is a good ST player and a viable DB to get you thru a game when need be.
  21. Released players are free agents and can't be re added to a neg list
  22. I'll wait for the results Ritchie. You guys are on the clock now.
  23. Jonse's previous history of finding players, running a defence and being a head coach makes any type of comparison to Kelly pale. In a success driven profession you can dislike the guy but seriously argue about his level of success? I think not.
  24. Are we still blaming Belleveue? So is it poor players, poor scheme or poor coaching? Or a combination? Everyone dumped on DelMonaco when he was here simply have him go to Calgary and be successful inpsite of several injuries. So what is the answer?
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