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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. We seem to continue to hire more staff, AGMs, scouting, admin and coaches and we are now all anxiously awaiting the fruits of their labours.
  2. The difference is Burris has a greater pocket presence, release, ability to sense and avoid the rush and scramble even for an old guy.
  3. Fragile body? Fragile mind? The end result is the same.
  4. They will let him sit. Nobody wants to be seen as aquiasing to a player's wishes at this point. Now you can understand why some teams want nothing to do with players represented by Hardaway.
  5. Interesting is that the media report stated that the offer was "believed to be the CFL minimum" . Who really knows what is going on behind the scene?
  6. Walter's uncertainty about Cap control and incentive based contracts? Only one player will lead the team in any one category, be it TDs , rushing yardage, tackles, INTs, ST tackles...you name it. Based on historical stats you can accurately predict how many 1,000 yds receivers you are likely to have in a season as well as TDs thrown....etc etc. There are countless predicable stats you can use to base incentives on.....or you can just give guys like Moore a bucket full of cash to play bits and pieces of a season.
  7. You want a motivated employee?give them the opportunity and incentive to earn money, when you don't have to just hand it to them.
  8. Why is it that there is a belief that players can just automatically transition from playing and become pro coaches?
  9. 2 DIs Medlock and a returner that likely needs to also be a backup RB in case Harris go s down
  10. Let's just start 7 solid Nationals and insure there is sufficient depth to plug and play when injuries require it. The last thing you need is an injury that then requires a shifting of 2 or 3 players to different positions. That just hampers continuity and creates confusion on the field.
  11. What is the saying? Until you walk a mile from n someone else's shoes. It might be safe to say that football is perhaps the most difficult of all sports to officiate.
  12. Depending on the structure of the contract it could be a win- win for both sides. Low base and start on the 6 game so no cap implications and then incentives when he gets back.
  13. The bigger loser is the expense of going to the Cup and not winning. The winner reaps the benefit of Grey Cup a Champion merchandise. Nobody buys a Grey Cup Loser T shirt.
  14. Players come and players go....as to coaches......does it really matter at this point in time. It is after all only May. I'll simply wait to pass judgement when they start posting the "W's and the L's" ultimately that remains the true report card.
  15. Getting drafted is one thing....makes big it is another. Historically look at the success rate and longevity of drafted players regardless of what round they are drafted in. Equally important is tracking 5 th players who go back to the CIS undrafted that have a stellar year and then become Ned list eligible.
  16. It will be inter sting to see how information is now decemonated by the Bombers. In the past members of the media often complained that OB got preferential treatment because they were the " rights holders" .
  17. Let's just worry about starting 7 legitimate Nationals and having adequate depth to support them.
  18. Well I have quite smoking the dope being served. See during real time when results are measurable.
  19. This clearly turns into " remember who signs your cheque". How can there be any other expectation? It will be a more polished version of Darren Cameron's blog. So be it. Eddy is a great guy who still has to feed his family. Good luck to him.
  20. Funny... A lot of teams use the mini camp to evaluate and grade the talent they have stockpiled in the off season. They then decide if some guys are really worthy of making it to main TC. It then affords them the opportunity to fill in pieces that they might think need to be addressed. i couldn't give a blue and gold what anyone in this organization has to say any more. It is judgement time for this crew. What happens on the field is all that matters now. Time to stop blowing menthol up everyone's butt.
  21. Not sure why there seems to be the perception that change simply for the sake of change is something good or needed.
  22. It isn't as if there weren't games last year in the NFL with widely publicized blown calls by officials.
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