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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. I don't dispute that there is now a significant upgrade in the quality of NIP starters. My concern is the downgrade or shuffles that result when there is an injury. Harris goes down and he is likely replaced by a DI import that now results in a NIP add somewhere else. Westerman or Sholugun go down and Thomas becomes a full time guy. Any significant injury carries into subsequent games. Historically. Yes back in the day, depth was critical but players ability to play multiple spots was also a huge advantage.
  2. Having the advantage of being able to watch a play from a TV angle or review it at slow speed can't or won't make officials "better" It provides a different perspective for the video officials. Those that continually ridicule and criticize officials have obviously never officiated a sport in "real time". In particular a sport like football with the greatest number of players playing on one of the largest sporting surfaces utilized. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you run them over with a bus.
  3. Who is playing which position evolves more out of the distribution of the ratio then what some seem to think is a popularity contest. The biggest problem isn't necessarily a lack of potential 7 NIP starters, it is the necessary depth to support them. It becomes more problematic when losing a NIP starter results in a subsequent 2 or 3 changes at other spots to adjust
  4. Any football team is only as good as the sum of its parts. A great RB with a sub standard o line is at best average. A great secondary without an adequate pass rush is again, at best average. All those things combine to make the game of football extremely complex. It is therefore a macrocosom and not a microcosm.
  5. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on Chungh and Goosen but you can't tell me that the glowing lack of depth on the o line isn't a major concern?
  6. Curious as to the actual numb r out of those 300 that have what constitutes a career?
  7. O linemen repeaditly getting beat one on one immediately after the snap of the ball would seem to suggest suspect personnel over scheme issues. MB may have had some issues but bad players are simply that.....
  8. While firing a HC in mid season seldom results in a real positive turnaround the challenge is dealing with the perception that there isn't a problem and nothing needs to be done. We have been left to digest that scenario in the current cry for patience.
  9. You are correct J5V , the problems are related to the lack of experience at a number of levels. If things go south it remains to be seen where the fingers get pointed and who pays the price in the blame game.
  10. Give the guy a break. It's his life, hie future and his health. He is free to do as he pleases for his own reasons and has to answer and justify to anyone. best of luck Ben
  11. So if things start out poorly and MOS gets gunned does LaPo then become HC, OC and WR coach. He probably thinks he could do it too.
  12. How can the OL not be a concern? Posters are talking about the possibility of 3 imports and it still seems like the nip is thin on experience. This raises concerns.
  13. They built it and they came....they don't start winning and they will stop coming.
  14. The question that will be answered is if Turner has a better supporting cast in B.C. might he be a better player there?
  15. Brandon, I vote for your last 2 choices.
  16. This team has had the longest period of transition going. Any longer and they should call a transition repair man
  17. I don't really care about MOS or any other coaches playing bio. I am more concerned about their resume coaching in the pros. LaPo was hell bent on hiring a group of college coaches when he was HC because he said he wanted good teachers. I want good coaches with a pro coaching background.
  18. Essentially if all the pieces of any team come together they will have a successful season. Works 50% of the time Doug. Doug truly has all the answers, just ask him and in 1,000 words OR MORE he will tell u.
  19. Fans or media alike the notion of predictions in itself is ridiculous. Too early, too many variables, we have experienced the impact injuries can have, lack of depth and other assorted unknowns can have especially at he QB spot. But he fires people up and sparks interest while the snow still flies.
  20. Maybe he was chewing him out for throwing a pic.......you read lips?
  21. Part of the problem with testing is the sheer expense of it, add in HGH testing is even more expensive. I doubt there has been any consideration for recreational drug testing. Most players can't wait for the Liberals to legalize pot.
  22. I'm not sure you will have me believe that a coach is going to instruct a player, QB, kicker, to lay down and play dead rather than attempt to tackle an opponent. That being said where do you draw the line as to who should or shouldn't? Do you want Dressler to try and make a tackle on an INT? Perhaps it would be better to have a coach say "take an angle to try and direct the opponent either to the sideline or back unto the field of play. The angle being the operative approach as opposed to a head in tackle.
  23. Athletes at the pro level are competitors. If they weren't they wouldn't have made to the level they have achieved. The belief that an athlete is going to deliberately whiff in the heat of a game might in itself not be realistic. The tendency is to react to a situation not necessarily go " let me think this through and plan an appropriate strategy based on the possible outcomes of my actions"
  24. The Stamps and Flames are owned and run by the same group of private owners and like the Jets they are bottom line driven. Huff was paid handsomely by the previous ownership with the expectation of results. It would seem they have been reasonably rewarded for their investment. Those results have also come with the byproduct of stability. If you believe that the vault is open in either Calgary or with the Jets line up at the wicket with your hand out and be prepared for nothing. Business is just that.
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