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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Lotteries expectation is that this draw and any other lottery is expected to go off without a hitch......no mistakes or questions about how it was done. Lotteries notion is the perception of any type of draw is paramount to the credibility of a lottery or any gaming activity.
  2. If one was to do a historical review of the combination of longevity and ineptness I would hazard a guess that this current stretch of " the need for patience" would clearly win. In a produce driven business it clearly must be time regardless of who or where you want to point the finger of blame.
  3. How about simply working towards a winning percentage?
  4. Bad coach, bad team, bad scouting, bad management.....or any combination you like. This entire group has had their fair share of mulligans. It's time to produce or perish.
  5. Great coaches, whether they played any game at a high level or not, are both students of their sport and individuals who know people and know how to maximize the talents of individuals. Don Mathew's mantra was , " put players in a position to succeed".
  6. Interesting is the perception people believe that new and improved always has to mean significantly changed. How did you love the move from the royal blue or the innovative addition of the lightning bolt?
  7. Betting Wally might not be done recruiting, trying out and signing QBs just yet. Camp is still two months away. Teams will be signing players before their mini camps and cutting some before camp starts.
  8. If your salary goes up the expectations are your production better as well. Produce or perish
  9. While other teams inside D line seem to continually get bigger Turner for whatever reason choose to drop weight before the start of this past season. Inside guys are big push guys who need to collapse the pocket. Turner failed to deliver and is paying the price. He is a quality guy...good luck to him.
  10. wasn't it an upgrade in position for Maas to go to Ottawa as OC. Pretty standard clause you can leave for a better position. Perhaps he neglected that clause in his Ottawa contract.
  11. Clearly Noeller you never worked for the late Cal Murphy who would repeaditly tell his staff, " you get paid to coach them up do coach them up".
  12. You can now have a better appreciation of why people want the duel roll of HC and GM. The GM is to provide the players for the coaching staff to coach. If the HC is the GM then there is little discussion and concern then about getting the right players for you to coach. The remainder of the coaching staff is then tasked to " coach them up".
  13. Football without a doubt has to be the most difficult and complex game to officiate. North or South of the border. American refs were no better at officiating during the U.S. Expansion. Perhaps there should be more emphasis on grooming former players from the CFL or CIS as officials. They at least have a better inherent understanding of the complexity and nuances.
  14. They can say what they want, do what they want and hire who they want....the bottom line is they are all under the gun. No singular individual gets to be the scapegoat now and fall on the sword. A failure now is simply that Failure.
  15. Westwood for the how not to....
  16. One of the concerns about LaPo when he was HC was that he tried to do too much himself and failed to delegate. Hopefully he has learned from that and this isn't him taking on too much again.
  17. The more people involved in the process the more difference of opinions and the more confusion. At least with Jake he just flips a coin. Now those clowns will be going paper, rock, scissors to decide a play.
  18. I'm sure he gives a rat's ass . So have fun with that
  19. Dump on O'B all you want......how about our own Cracker Jack scouting department? They really solved our back up QB issue didn't they.
  20. How is experience not the most relevant factor in the ability to recognize football ability?
  21. Not sure if o linemen are getting schooled in .8 sec that it is necessarily a scheme issue. In .8 sec you have whiffed on a block and been schooled one on one.
  22. Welcome to the 2016 season .....The Leap of Faith Season
  23. One of the other best assets of a good QB is having a quick release. It isn't just about how long you physically hold the ball it is about your ability to get the ball out of your hand quickly....and not with a slower and more deliberate delivery. I'm not convinced Willy has a quick release.
  24. In this day and age when there is no expectation that QBs will play 18 games the best solution is to provide your 2nd and 3 rd string QB an incentive laden contract. A relatively low base, a bonus if you started,a bonus for TDs, cumulative starts, cumulative yardage and therefore the ability to make decent many if in fact you played and were productive. Earn your money don't be xpected to be handed a bag of cash.
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