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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Not sure free agents potentially don't want to come here because players are treated poorly. Players want a winning environment and an organization that they believe is moving in a positive direction. You an wave the stability and patience flag all you want this boat has been sitting in the Atlantic waiting for the jet stream to push it for long enough. Produce or perish.
  2. I understand this article is about selling or Hope to people you want to buy your product. But you are in the business of producing a successful product. Grade out your research and development department ( scouting department) for starters, the wins and loses department ......produce or perish is now the order of the day. You can only pump air into a flat tire for so long. The clock has struck 12 Cinderella.
  3. The point being no city is without it's challenges and why people feel the need and comfort on other cities in so called support of their team is beyond me. I am happy to be a fan of the CFL and those that would rather support the heritage of our great Canadian game.
  4. You have to love Homers. Taken a walk down Main St. recently?
  5. The point being the previous expansion into the US was a move in desperation for a cash strapped league. The CFL is relatively solvent for a change. So let it be.
  6. I guess we hear what they want us to hear. Seriously you expect otherwise?
  7. My point was Popp has continually demonstrated the ability to scout and find players compared to either Mack or Walters.
  8. I'd say Popp has a better track record of finding talent then either of the two past a Bomber regimes. So you wouldn't consider hiring him in Wpg if that was a possibility?
  9. You cannot legislate Canadian player content on U.S. Based teams,. That is simply due to labour laws in the States. That and the exchange rate are the two top reasons for not trying US expansion. Never mind the apathy that exists in B.C. and Toronto towards the CFL. The true test will be if the Argos playing at BMO actually "sells" more tickets. No doubt they can afford to paper the stands in Toronto for awhile to see if that revitalizes a franshise that is pivotal to the TSN contract.
  10. is The 700k Cap overage in Mont for 2015? Not sure how you could calculate a 2016 overage of 700k when the over season roster limit is 75 players. People could only guess at their actual final roster.
  11. Browne works for the City of Hamilton in their streets dept. Good job, good benefits and good pension. Why risk that for what could easily be a one year gig if this crew doesn't win and gets flushed. Down the drain?
  12. The ratio issue will remain the problem. U.S. labour law will not allow you to mandate any number of foreign players as a requirement. As stated been there done that and failed miserably. I was at the Vegas Winnipeg game in Vegas. There were 6,000 people there. Mostly Canadians I'm guessing and who knows how many freebies. It was mid season and they ended up playing the balance of their games on the road.
  13. What happened to the royal blue? The problem was it existed in the era prior to computer matched fabric colour duplication. Each manufacturer had a different concept of "royal blue" so that there was too much mismatched stuff. The solution became to go to a more consistent navy blue. There was a similar problem with the gold pants and matching the gold paint for the helmets. Fortunately computer colour coding seems to have eliminated the issue.
  14. Hope reigns supreme.....and a little alcohol never hurt too.
  15. Sadly TSN and the advertisers pay the freight and call the shots we are at their mercy.....
  16. Report on Twitter is that playoff games were incorrectly listed on Sat. Should be Sunday....nice work at the CFL office.
  17. If RB's are a dime a dozen Bombers currency must have been yen
  18. It seems that the "scouting system" has now found us another IMP o lineman that has been thru 2 other CFL teams according to Twitter.
  19. Not sure the Bombers could afford Henoc $$$$ wise. Nor could they afford the perception of chasing him again and the pr impact of him again resection get Wpg. Wise to simply stay clear of the whole situation.
  20. Welcome to the world of one year contracts. So great job for all the smart agents that negotiate one year deals. Exciting times for all the FA lovers ultimately it won't be good for the team's until they realize perhaps they actually need to scout players.
  21. Popp made a calculated playoff move and it didn't work out. So he dumped him and cut his losses. They go to the Cup and it's all roses. He tried to improve his Club for a run, Glenn and Muamba. Wpg did what last year? Finally got a back up QB when it was too late.
  22. Sports marketing 101...... The objective is to sell your fans hope as you simply cannot promise winning.
  23. Then let them do what they will do. Get the regular season over with so the playoffs and real hockey start. Then the bottom feeders can try and keep their jobs and sell their ticket holders the draft dream.
  24. I'd say the record is yet to be determined until there is a better determination as to the quality and depth of the o line. As good as th FA signings may have been the big question remains the o line.
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