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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Popp played Hardaway like a cheap drum. He was signing a guy to make a playoff run. Gave him the 60k bonus after 2016 FA deadline knowing that if he didn't like how things went he could dump Henoc after he needed to do what he was going to do with his FA.
  2. The fact remains he is a difficult guy to deal with to the point that some GMs simply refuse to deal with him. CFL players that get NFL looks do so because they have been scouted not because some two bit agent got them a look.
  3. The notion the the group of bottom feeder teams need to deliberately tank is hilarious. The reality is they are on the bottom simply because they are not good enough. So they can simply keep doing what they are doing. Teams lacing in talent not playing well. Go get them boys.
  4. The difference being Reily was committed to the CFL and had basically negotiated a contract in advance. So you knew what you are getting. He of costs you 60K off the get go and becomes a one year player. His agent is an absolute knob that will ultimately destroy the credibility of any player he represents.
  5. Why trade for a player that you know will cost you 60K from the get go and you know will be released prior to the payment due date? Nice try Popp.
  6. Sadly I have witnessed him called 5 yd outs on 2nd and 9.......with plenty of 3rd and 3 results. Definition of crazy repeating something that didn't work and hoping for a different result.
  7. LaPo was great at breaking down and analyzing plays after the fact on TSN. The bigger concern now is his ability to work with a 20 second play clock when the bullets are flying in a game.
  8. Trade Hurl for a NIP O lineman if you can find a taker
  9. I'd say the record is yet to be determined until there is a better determination as to the quality and depth of the o line.
  10. Why do other GMs complain? I think their biggest issue with FA signings, particularly NIP ones is that all it really does is drive up the costs for NIP players. Sadly it still comes down to the fact that the supply goes in no way to meeting the demand.
  11. This will be the battle of can you buy a team and win in Wpg vs can you build a team and win in Sask?
  12. Don't kid yourself teams are already talking to potential free agents behind the scenes. When David Benefield signed in Winnipeg he was in a room at CanadInns Polo Park waiting for the clock to strike midnight to sign the deal.
  13. This reads like the patience plan we get fed on the Bomber posts. Other teams are competitive with a mix of proven veterans and youth. The draft is an important part of the equation but it is only one part. I wonder if Florida regrets signing the likes of Jagr?
  14. Iso has it. What do you really expect from this team? How many front line players are on this team and how many AHL players? Maurice and Chevy are given what the ownership dictates it is willing to spend. The $$$ pie is simply that Chevy may have the say in how it is split but there is only so much pie.
  15. Exactly Mr. Dee this isn't a scouting move rather a coaching move. Coaches are more comfortable with vets and especially vets they know. They feel there are fewer unknowns. Sometimes it works sometimes the loyalty move bites them in the butt especially when they don't realize it is time to cut the cord.
  16. You are right when Wally thinks you are done he is done with you. Simply a business decision on his part. I remember having that exact conversation with Wally when he released Charles Roberts. It will be interesting to see how many teams will line up to take a run at both Harris and Messam.
  17. I'm not sure that either Goosen or Chungh have played enough and proven that they are truly hard gore starters that we should be ready to hang our QB on
  18. some players play better with different coaching and in a different system. As someone said hopefully this isn't anothe Kuale
  19. given the Feb. 1st timing of the Edm, Miles announcement I would say his contract expired on Jan. 31st and therefore he was free and clear to sign wherever he wanted.
  20. I don't care about glad handing and kissing babies. I care about what happens on the field.
  21. I'm not sure what is worse, Westood kicking field goals or listening to him on the radio?
  22. Unless the ownership is willing to change their priorities and start spending money to keep and attract front line players this will remain the fate of the franchise. As long as there are butts in the seats and a demand for tickets things will remain status quo.
  23. Whatever the system or magic formula other teams seem to have done a better job finding new talent, supplying their teams with depth and being able to mplug and play due to injury. It is now time to produce or perish.
  24. some coaches don't necessarily believe a kicker and punter should be the same guy. The biomechanics of punting and kicking are completely different with the advent of soccer style kickers. In the old days with straight like he kickers the action both both was along the same plane.
  25. Great comment, just call Walters Captain Obvious on the success of his scouting dept. he can thro that crew under the bus but he better be careful he hired the crew he threw under the bus. Start firing bullets at people and you risk getting hit by one of your own on the ricochet
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