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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Solidifying the O line is a huge priority. If you can't keep Willy upright and healthy he doesn't matter a hill of beans who the receivers are.
  2. I'm not sure that is a hard and fast set progression for working your way up the coaching ranks. Case in point MOS rapid climb in a short period of time.
  3. Please check your Joe Mack years. Bill Polian brought in the talent that contributed to the '84 Cup win. Mack was then there for a cup of coffee. Paul Jones then came in and was responsible for the great run of talent in the later 80's and into the 90's.
  4. If you are an upper ecilone player earning in the top 10 percentile of the league and living in a city for 6 months do you really think the cost of living is a major consideration in where you sign? Players at that level know they will start, so playtime is not an issue. They want to think they are going to a situation that provides them with what they believe is the best opportunity to win.
  5. Someone had indicted that the Bombers had imposed a deadline on the offer? Hope it wasn't a month of Sundays.
  6. You have to think that Hamilton's level of success was a factor in Chick going there. Figures it was his best opportunity to go to the Cuo.
  7. It was interesting 2 years ago people here were talking about not wanting him here. Has that sentiment changed? Didn't I read somewhere that he said he wanted to play on what he believed was a contender given his age ?
  8. This team is simply built to run based on a budget. You get what you are willing to pay for. Don't blame Chevy he doesn't set the budget or sign the cheques. You can only grind out so many wins with grinders, kids and effort.
  9. Matt was a real class guy, always upbeat and positive person on and off the field. Happy to have known him with the Bombers.
  10. not sure who puts the"interested" and "close to" on these talks. The players do it to stimulate interest in them, some teams do it to make it appear they are working it and in the hunt. I don't need to hear about it until contracts are register do the CFL office. Close doesn't mean jack unless it's horseshoes, dancing, hand grenades or turd fights.
  11. This will now become the comparison between what people deemed as the " patient rebuild" in Winnipeg versus what transpires in a Sask with the "blowup resurrection". Indeed if this does not serve as judgement day in Winnipeg what does?
  12. This will now become the comparison between what people deemed as the " patient rebuild" in Winnipeg versus what transpires in a Sask with the "blowup resurrection". Indeed if this does not serve as judgement day in Winnipeg what does?
  13. He actually was also the team dentist at that time.
  14. You can feed and water the masses or not. Any and all of those ammenities are part of the Cap. Teams can choose to spent the Cap anyway they like. While some of those things maybe a nice touch do you really think they are difference makers when it comes to signing players?
  15. Guessing Dressler might be a starter on any team. Guessing he won't be commuting to North Dakatoa after work each day. Guessing Winnipeg is the only team with HC in the final year of a contract. The only team to miss the playoffs 3 years in a row and counting. Guessing Winnipeg currently appears to be the team most willing to overpay. So Winnipeg does meet the criteria. Welcome home Dressler.
  16. It would only help to clarify which teams and GMs have the greatest success in getting the most bang for their buck. It would serve as a bit of a report card grade on their performances.
  17. There are a variety of reasons for players to sign with teams. Money, geography, playtime and being on a stable competitive team are amongst the top ones. At this point in time money maybe the only real significant bargaining chip that Winnipeg has to offer.
  18. Jones is discarding what he believes are overpriced players and has confidence in his abilities and Murphy's abilities to actually go out and find players. Popp, Barker, Murhpy, Tillman and Paul Jones have all demonstrated the ability to find players the key to any team's success.
  19. Why would Dressler panic and be pushed into a deal . Good on the Bombers for players big a little poker and not being leveraged into him getting more money there or elsewhere. You need to set a budget for what you truly believe someone is worth and hold fast. Huff does it in Calgary , that might work to Wpg advantage on this deal. The challenge will be if it is solely about the dollars for Dressler.
  20. I am suggesting that Dressler may have concerns about the stability and direction of the franchise. This is a business and players do make business decisions.
  21. A player's contract is continuos even though he does not get paid in the off season he remains under contract. Unless Durrant is cleared and deemed healthy by a neutral physician, as approved by the CFLPA and the CFL he remains as an injured player and cannot be released. This really only has an impact when he has roster bonuses due in the off season. Likely this was the case with Durrant. So there is no need for any reference to the off season in the CBA. The critical date is the date in Feb. that current contracts expire and players then become FA.
  22. Not true a veteran player remains under contract in the off season and cannot be released. If he has bonuses due and is released he can file an injury grievance and WILL win it.
  23. Bombers are still up against the stigma of being cellar dwellers that are being a coach in the final year of his contract. Do players want money ? Sure but they want stability in an organization and a team that they deem are legitimate playoff contenders.
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