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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Guessing Mtl signed Picard as a utility guy. Simply for depth. 7th or 8 th guy. Low base and bonuses if he plays . A cheap guy to injure and have around.
  2. Apart from doing it for a QB not sure I would do this for a singular player. By all accounts Picard and Moore were part of a failed attempt at being difference makers. We have been fed the need for patience, personally I am still trying to digest that meal.
  3. As Jim Barker says, you can overpay and roll the dice on FA ( case in point Moore) or you can go out and actually find players. The players may have thought they hit the mother load when the option year was abolished but the challenge now is they are all flooding the market and competeing against each other for the money.
  4. I am more interested to hear what Walter's is doing and not what he isn't doing.
  5. You have Gibson pegged to a T. As soon as he gets a job he starts working on where his next job will be. Not necessarily a big deal in the CFL but the implications that has on a CIS program and recruiting are huge.
  6. let's but things in perspective. Given the QB situation in Sask the last couple of seasons how would you expect Dressler's numbers to be anything but less than his prior years?
  7. everyone loved to dump on DelManaco when he coached the o line here and he seems to have survived and proven himself in Calgary even with an injury riddled season. So perhaps like Wylie coaching wasn't the real issue. Bad players and or bad schemes were perhaps more of a factor for both of them in Winnioeg.
  8. Hopefully he stays upright for 18 games
  9. Something on Twitter about the previous Nichols trade. Does his resigning in Wpg alter the course of nit ions of that trade?
  10. Ultimately he was hired to run the Winnipeg Football Club. He hired who he wanted to run Football Ops and the Business side of it. But ultimately he is responsible for it all. That's what CEOs do.
  11. Roberts success was a result of operating on a running scheme know as Search, Red and Blue. Red was right blue was left. search employed a delayed handoff that then allowed him to seek out the opening that was created and run to it. The interests no aspect of this scheme was that it either generated a significant gain or resulted in zero gain.
  12. If the O line isn't significantly improved does it really matter who the running backs are? It's like putting bald tires on a Ferrari.
  13. All well and good but we don't want anyone who is only here because they can't get a job elsewhere.
  14. It remains to be seen how they regenerate fan interest to sell season tickets for 2016. Part of the season ticket sales for 2015 were fuelled by Grey Cup tickets tied in. The game day experience is only worth something if the on field product improves unless you move the rum hut to the 55 yard line.
  15. The concern is will the payments actually cover the accursed interest owed when the interest free period ends?
  16. The reaction around the league seems to be that teams like Sask and Edm are creating an unrealistic bubble in coaching salaries. The Cap was brought in to try and keep a balance and element of sanity to player salaries now the spend spend spend your way to winning has flowed into coaching.
  17. Well if that was a question on his interview great. I guess it got him hired.
  18. I am about focusing on the concrete. Wishing and hoping does nothing to enhance and solidify the talent base of this team. We saw the impact of hoping Willy would stay upright for 18 games with no quality back up there as part of a solid plane. Like him or not I am thankful that Nichols has at least been resigned.
  19. He was Gene Dunn and David Asper's hire. Dunn is s finally off the BoD and Asper's tenure ends next month. It is anyone's guess how long the cry for stability and patience lasts if things don't turn around sooner than later.
  20. Can we assume that neither Howell or Miles contracts expired on Dec. 31st since both of them basically made a lateral move?
  21. I would say that as previously mentioned Howell had worked with LaPo before and perhaps for his own reasons decided he want d to work elsewhere. He saw Sask as a better opportunity. You have two teams Sask and Wpg at somewhere near rock bottom. Sask has the largest luxury of being in a rebuild. On the other hand Winnipeg's staff is on life support and if things don't turn around quickly the plug will be pulled. So where would you choose to work under those circumstances?
  22. People seem to think this is a direct insult to the Bombers. Why begrudge someone the opportunity to heat steak instead of feasting on hamburger? How is he any different than Westerman was, or Greenwood in Toronto. Call it chasing the dream if you like the reality is it is chasing a pay check and a greater element of financial security. As Iso says until he steps on the field with a Bomber helmet why even worry about it? More power to him.
  23. It seems that the real crunch comes in 2017 when the Club then also becomes responsible for the interest on the loan. It would seem unlikely that the balance of the current CIBC loan that was 10 million will have been paid off by then either.
  24. What? what? The belief that a QB or any player is going to stay healthy for an entire season isn't the ay to prepare a team for success. A CFL roster is fluid and in constant flex. If your scouting department and mange net does not have an indepth ready list for all positions you are setting yourself up for failure.
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