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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. The team has demonstrated the ability to draft and develop good young players. However It has not been able to either acquire or show that it will spend to get a couple of top notch franchise players.
  2. Sounds like you describe Burris as a poster on this site.
  3. I'd like to know who the other 5 or 6 were.
  4. All well and good about MOS....how does that speak to whether he is a good HC or not?
  5. The best predictor of the future is the past. So we got to listen to a replay of 2 years ago and now the expectation is that things will be different? Because?
  6. I thought that Barker and Milanovich signed new deals. With new ownership and moving into BMO next season one might believe there is much needed new stability in the Toronto franchise and less reason for any of them to leave.
  7. I love the notion if the good sales pitch.....how about the only direction left to go is up?
  8. I'm guessing that depending what shakes down in Sask that Chapdelaine maybe the most qualified , experienced guy available.
  9. Similar to the stereotype that black QBs can't handle the cold. The sad reality of how some people still choose to think in 2015.
  10. So are we of the belief that moving forward That management is going to have a coach go into next season in the final year of a contract? Not that I have any desire for him to have an extension. ( never mind still be the HC). I guess if there is a solution that any contract for 2017 be predicated on a minimum number of wins in 2016. I wouldn't even make it contingent on making the playoffs. Heaven forbid the team limps into the playoffs at 8-10 and an extension kicks in.
  11. Perhaps MB might have had an opportunity to learn from Buck. QBs see the game from a different perspective. They are constantly involved in game planning. Buck like some of the others has had an opportunity to work with a variety of others. Perhaps some good and some bad but all learning experiences.
  12. Gee I thought we tried that with the last STC hire.
  13. It was ok for them because their hires all had extensive coaching resumes not one that would fill the back of a postage stamp.
  14. The global philosophy of this organization is we need stability. Stability has now become we are afraid to make a decision because we may make another wrong decision? What MBA program is that from? Well fellas don't make a wrong decision but when it doesn't work now you will all be ass out.
  15. If he wants to examine the impact of his coaching on the overall success of his team he should start with checking out the standings the last 2 seasons and the L's and W's. Self realization isn't easy Mike.
  16. Interesting people keep balking at Howell or Pierce being considered for the OC job but I bet those people would now have loved to have had Jason Mass as the OC. Don't minimize the wealth of experience that a QB brings to the plate. Visualizing the game from the perspective of a QB is a huge asset. It seems to be working for a number of other teams.
  17. Why the LaPo love...? a mystery. In 2012 they start out something like 7-1 and finish with close to the reverse something like 1-7. They limp into the Cup and stink the joint out. So Mack is faced with what do I do with a guy I should fire but hey he got into the Cup. A true paradox. Now to say we aren't going to fire a a HC with a losing percentage of .777 why? The reason being we have done such an underwhelming job in hiring we don't want to risk a similar mistake? This team has direction?
  18. The scouting dept were all working in the CFL and should have had an existing book on prospective players. So I'm not sure the start up excuse has merit.
  19. Hurl ranked 35th in tackles not sure that qualifies as hitting a home run as a FA.
  20. People seem to have difficulty when other teams have an element of success. Good job Ottawa. They really raided National from the Bombers pool. James Green and Kohlert a FA that they likely weren't going to sign anyway. They did a huge upgrade on their WRs , a group of players the Bombers could have gone after and didn't.
  21. People better be prepared for the pop gun going off and not the atom bomb. That might mean the sacrificial lamb, if at all is MB. The exchange for MB will likely be Khari thanks to "popularity and Miller. Like it or not the 3 amigos will survive. As soon as you start chopping off heads the fingers start to point back to those who hired the heads being chopped.
  22. It is all well and good to stay healthy. Good luck with that. Injuries are part of the game. The solution to that problem is depth. Depth especially at QB and depth everywhere. The teams that made the playoffs had depth, especially at QB. Calgary had significant injury issues on the o line that they dealt with.
  23. Experienced newbie....isn't that an oxymoron ?
  24. Well it's interesting the guy you call an idiot is the guy who called the offence that you said made Durant look good. Now that idiot is calling the plays for Jennings in B.C. We should have some kind of idiot in Wpg.
  25. I would hope they actually go out the find some players....other teams seem to and we sign their cast offs.
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