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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. The concern being Khari was the QB coach Cortez was the OC. Hoping KJ learned by osmosis?
  2. And when the Boss says I think "we" should hire this guy, what are you left to do?
  3. Miller brought us MB his next gift to the organization will be Khari Jones.
  4. Interesting people clamoured for Stubler past and present. A guy that runs a bend don't break defence. Beat me with a 12 play drive. And people here want a Chris Jones , Thorpe full pressure defence.
  5. Is a prospective new GM given the opportunity to extensively interview MOS to decide if he wants to take the GM job given the fact that he inherits a HC? Ironically it seems that MOS "inherited an OC".
  6. Great to hear. Not sure we can all appreciate the challenges, struggles and difficult transitioning when it comes crashing to an end. Best of Luck.
  7. Honour him all you want just don't try and make any correlation between his ability and longevity as a player and his abilities as a HC.
  8. What would all the other teams records be if their starting QB s hadn't got hurt? Welcome to the reality of the CFL and the living prove of the need for QB depth something that Winnipeg failed to have.
  9. It would be refreshing to see Davis come in and do well. The only risk is those that then say .....crap if only we had played him 6 games ago.
  10. I guess you can tell the OC he will be the next HC.
  11. What did they have to pay the CFL to get the game?
  12. Why is Wiecek tweeting still 4,000 tickets available?
  13. Should have gone for "cause" incompetence. Well the sad part is the Bombers were once considered one of the model organizations in the CFL. How the mighty have fallen. I don't crave drama we are simply sinking in a quagmire of it.
  14. You wonder if having to reduce the seating capacity will impact the possibility of hosting future Cups?
  15. So FanWest....I guess with his "resignation" the Club had no further financial obligation to Butchko? Play the semantics game all you want. Walk the blank get pushed off the blank. Whatever you choose to call it in the business world it is about mitigating costs and saving face.
  16. My concern is in a game that is already riddled with excessive penalty calls we are now going to introduce the potential for 8-10 more. The only penalties that may have proven as a real deterrent have been the one's for players mimicking throwing a flag for PI or the unsportsmanlike calls for removing your helmet.
  17. Do you really believe Buchko resigned? Seriously......that was simply a description so everyone " thought" they might save face.
  18. Is that significantly different than the current CFL rule about hitting a QB low? The other issue is that an after the fact penalty has really not seemed to have proven to be much of a deterrent to QB hits. I'm not sure how you become proactive , again apart from no blitzing, which Really take away from the game. As I said earlier upgrading O line play be allowing 4 International to better protect QBs.
  19. Well given a Miller brought in MB in the first place perhaps that makes sense.
  20. Maybe they will parade the entire Bomber team out and have them sing a rousing rendition of " I'm So Sorry Uncle Albert".
  21. You may call it spin but there are some that know the significance of some past relationships that have contributed to the current state of this team. The current concern by some is these past relationships may now be contributing to the longevity and perhaps misguided loyalty to some of this regime. This current state of affairs has a strong resemblance to the days when Ken Bishop was the CEO/President.
  22. Not sure why but I saw no questions that relating to "scouting" on that poll. An area that I thought was a disappointment, especially given the number of people they hired.
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