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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. I agree....simply a rehash of the rehash. We are just left to await the fate of all those that a higher being is going to be left to decide. Might not be a smarter person or group so hold your breath...or don't hold your breath depending on what side of the coin you happen to be calling.
  2. Interesting how that works teams will either offer you a buyout at a greatly reduced percentage of the contract or coaches take a salary continuance. The team then hopes you take another job so they can stop paying you. Coaches then often become "unpaid consultants" so as to not lose their salary continuance.
  3. And a coach needs the right GM. Kavis was saddled with Tillman as a GM. I think Tillman is a good Personnel guy but was a disaster as a GM .
  4. Given his body mass index he shouldn't have any trouble staying a float in troubled waters.
  5. Montreal paper is reporting that Boyd might be the 5th QB at their practice today. It will be interesting to see if he appears on the CFL transactions today.
  6. He might be happier on a Cup contender and in an organization that appears to be on track and having turned it around in relatively short order.
  7. I guess the issue is how good are you at it. Maybe Miller needs some lessons from Mathews or the Patriots.
  8. You hire someone to do a job. A job that is purely performance based and measured in the win loss column. It isn't about close, nice try or almost. If someone in their Devine wisdom wants to bring him back then let that someone then too be accountable if " potential" isn't realized. Others have documented here the success of HCs that are hired part way thru a season when it is time for a new direction.
  9. They hire a rookie GM a rookie HC, 2 AGMs a Head Scout. And now this significantly expanded football ops needs some more help? You hire people to do a job, not bring them in and hope they then learn how to do a job. The operative word in your program is hope....hope they learn. Exactly how long is this learning curve going to last?
  10. So now we are supplying on the job training. Is this some kind of college co op program.
  11. Just another example of an poorly thought out plan that wasn't really thought out. History does seem to be repeating itself .
  12. Easy mistake as prior to last game no one had seen or heard from Turner.
  13. Who ever it is given the date and the likelihood of chilly weather would anyone actually be performing or is it just a sing along with canned music?
  14. Just remember the staff is only as good as the players you provide them with.
  15. The concern being that MOS is handed a list that Miller is interested in.
  16. The Sun article says that the accumulated debt now stands at 189 million. Can anyone tell me what the annual interest payment would be on a loan that size?
  17. And all those contribute to a " better O line". Do you think DelMonaco went to Calgary and all of a sudden became a genius? No, he was in a bad situation with a bad supporting cast. Our current o line coach is one of the most respected in the business. He did a good job in Sask with a good supporting cast. Now he's a bum? There is some commonality to all this.
  18. I guess the concern is when Miller was the guy that brought MB initially did that have an influence on his survival? I'm not sure I want to be a HC and have a staff or member of my staff who was recruited by the CEO. And have that same recruited coach sitting there as my heir apparent.
  19. Is this just part of other examples that will come to light when the legal implications of this heat up?
  20. Well If you want to call Walby a liar be my guest. And the Worman one is from the person in the organization that had to call Worman and renege on the job.
  21. This goes back to both stories of WM offering the o line job to Walby and basically telling Worman he had a job and then both got vetoed.
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