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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Call all those national LBs whatever you want basically they are ST players and have to be listed somewhere.
  2. Need to make some determination what do do with LH a pending FA....should he stay or should he go?
  3. Inexperience and indecisive are both contributing factors in MOS win - loss record.
  4. Passport? They have added an additional DI so you can choose to have a DI that might make 2 or 3 tackles a game or one that can either potentially score 12-18 points or contribute to controlling field position. Who has more true value in a game?
  5. He punts the ball down the middle of the field and out kicks the cover team affording the returners too much time and space to find a seam.
  6. The interesting aspect of having a GM mentor MOS then makes the assumption that a new GM would then decided he even wanted MOS as his HC.
  7. And it has taken how long to figure that out? Curious that so many here have figured it out and yet the organization has failed to either figure it out or do something about it. Why is that?
  8. Close games yes but when he looks at the standings that might change how he feels
  9. If this was a playoff bound team trying to make the final push to get that extra edge .....maybe....but otherwise signing expensive and old players at this stage does nothing to improve the on field product for the future.
  10. Hirhim Hajrullahu should have his name changed to Firhim Hallelujah.
  11. The CFL controls ticket allocation. Tickets are held back until the two teams participating are determined. In the part each team had to purchase a certain allotment of tickets. If they couldn't sell them they would try and sell them to participating teams. It may or may not still be the case.
  12. Well then explain to me why the International isn't on the roster? MOS' love of nationals?
  13. Public or private I would suggest that the NDP government is currently keeping the franchise solvent.
  14. Recent luck? Would that be good luck or bad luck? Not sure what the algorithm is for that prediction for bending success?
  15. If status quo provides no hope and you say cleaning house provides no hope. I think cleaning house is ultimately the best scenario for providing some element of hope.
  16. With the addition of an extra DI and how critical ST has proven to be in the outcome of a game perhaps it is time to seriously look at an International kicker.
  17. We'll at least the CFL didn't give us the last bye week and make the off season a week longer this year.
  18. Then you will like the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.
  19. Curious to know how the mysterious "do factor" actually works?
  20. Well when they start playing horseshoes at IGF close will matter.
  21. Never mind next week. He opted to play out his contract and become a FA. You need to make a determination about how many next weeks you now give him.
  22. So you then have a HC in the final year of his contract with a gun in his mouth and attempt to recruit an OC to come here under those circumstance? Maybe because then the OC knows that he can be the HC when MOS gets fired. How is that for great office dynamics.
  23. I guess will see how many of the season ticket holders are included in that "everybody comes back next year"
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