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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. So if the player lines up and asks the ref...the ref says yes and then the player repositions himself. Is the player get another ask? Does the ref correct him?
  2. Calgary has managed to demonstrate the ability to plug and play replacement players when they have injuries.
  3. The solution for this scenario is to make the players entirely responsible for their positioning on the field.
  4. Not sure that Sask like Winnipeg has given up on chasing the playoff dream. So that might kill that trade.
  5. Look back at LaPos staff. His first prerequisite was he wanted "good" teachers. His staff was largely an amateur hour of U.S. Coaches with no pro experience.
  6. It is a huge challenge predicting the probability of success of an assistant or a coordinator as a HC. The skill set is completely different. However a significant contributor to a HC's success is having a qualified, experienced staff in all aspects of the game.
  7. Players that don't workout are easily and quickly discarded.....poor coaches less so and with a greater, longer lasting effect.
  8. I'd be happy if they all learned that sometimes if you say less people might pay more attention and be more interested in what you say.
  9. Is everyone so excited and not worried that making the playoffs at 7-11 sends the message that all is well and good and therefore we stay the course with the staff as it stands now?
  10. Yes they did. My point was what other plays may or may not have contributed to them having won the game outright?
  11. Coaches will tell you that there maybe 5 or 6 defining plays in a game. Clearly that was one, clearly an error on the part of the officials. Perhaps we could review the entire game and find more of those defining plays, some that too might be attributable to the officials. We all had a disputable exam question that we brought into question with a teacher. We all heard the same response...." Would you like me to review the entire exam?" Reflect back to the Canadian BBall game and the questionable call with a split second to go in the game. The consensus was and basically by all....we...they didn't play well enough to win.....did the a Bombers ?
  12. Sorry Brown is slanderous....the written word is libel.
  13. The alternative is turn off the TV sound and turn on your radio. Then you can stomach a mouthful of a Doug Brown the entire game.
  14. If the fans have to suffer thru this make the coaching staff suffer as well. Why should they have the benefit of sitting at home with their colouring books and collecting a pay cheque. Misery loves company.
  15. Yes and the officials were responsible for over a 10 minute difference in time of possession, giving up over 100 yards rushing and one WR running around uncovered for an entire game? You want a Conspiracy ? Watch the movie Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson.
  16. Maybe he was fine and then repositioned himself? This turns into another he said she said.
  17. You really believe he will sign a long term deal and stop chasing the NFL?
  18. Don't you just love it when these threads just deteriorate to this.
  19. Nothing says u can't load up cover teams with Import DBs, LBs and if u r like EDM an Import QB that is a terror. We load up with a bunch of slapdick NIPs that might as well be in their street clothes for all they can do.
  20. Granted every team can't win, and it sucks to go to the dance and not win. But we should change the name to the Winnipeg Catfish.....sucks worse to be the bottom feeder.
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