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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Short practice because the equipment has to get packed and moved for tomorrow.
  2. The issue maybe not about just about the money. He maybe looking to be a rental player and only sign for the remainder of this season and chase the NFL again. Play a couple of months go to a Cup contender and try south again. Lots of variables here.
  3. Another athlete from the hot bed of stars Newport News , VA. The likes of Vick, Barber, Iverson and now hopefully Boyd.
  4. Going to send Austin a t shirt. "I'am not a roll model".
  5. Lawless, Doug Brown et al. are entitled to their opinion. The notion that because someone has been given a pen and paper and a vehicle to scribble on makes them an expert is a stretch. They seem to often be able to whip people into a firestorm and at times seem to then relish in it. Their opinion is and will remain simply that to me....an individual opinion and nothing more.
  6. I am not as concerned about using the playoffs as a measuring stick for success. I believe that if you demonstrate development and improvement in personnel and performance that can warrant patience. The QB issue remains a concern. As have extended periods of stagnation the past 2 seasons. Nichols may prove a stop gap but we still need to look at the big picture over the remainder of the season.
  7. So did Austin inherit a pool of talent or was he hired and then they found the talent.....I think it was door number 2
  8. Remember geography is one of the critical determining factors that players consider when signing.
  9. How is everyone going to feel if Nichols saves MB's job and he gets to stay on as OC?
  10. Didn't really work out before not sure playing together is something to base a decision on.
  11. How about that penalty filled fiasco in the first half of the TO game. The inmates already run the prison. I am more concerned about real hits that are dirty and put player safety at risk. 5K to Austin is a joke...token slap on the wrist by the CFL.
  12. There is no doubt the key to any teams success is QB and more importantly QB depth
  13. Good for Austin....he sent a message....he bumped the guy....big deal....get off the opposition sidelines and stay out of the bench area
  14. Faith is blind....belief is based on some tangible evidence. Still waiting for that.
  15. The teams wine and dine. They are trying to sell him....he is the shopper.
  16. How about we just worry about the next game?
  17. Might as well make the rounds...each stop likely drives up the price.
  18. You really think Austin gives a flying flip about what happened? He gave the token apology to appease the CFL office. He knows that Stalla is an s disturber and gave him a dose of his own medicine. Slap on the wrist and play nice until the next time.
  19. I am betting Nichols plays it out and tests the market in Feb. Why wouldn't he? Between B.C and Sask's health concerns at QB,Burris' age in Ottawa, and depth concerns in Wpg and Mtl he might be in a good bargaining position.
  20. Should you break the bank for one player? It is interesting how Calgary uses the NFL model for their salary structures. Huff believes that certain positions warrant a specific range in pay structure. When a player gets to the top end and his demands exceed Huff's scale his philosophy is to find a replacement.
  21. We are to make the determination on Nichols based on one game? Really? Another player with a history of injury concerns. Based on the one game Should we then assume the haters now want to sign MB to a 3 year extension too? Let's be a little more objective and less reactionary.
  22. At some point you truly can't just get into a bidding war...set a number and live with it. Hamilton overpaid for Fantuz and they have an overpaid cheerleader on the sidelines who has missed as many games as he has played.
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