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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. They may hate Sorensen but how would they like Picard for $200k plus?
  2. Just win baby....and it seems Austin and his entire staff have figured out the formula.
  3. Being patient is all well and good when their is evidence of progress and improvement. Patience for simply the sake of patience simply means you are HOPING things will improve. Is their clear evidence to support that?
  4. What is a bigger joke 4 Grey Cup appearances and no wins or 4 seasons out of the Playoffs? Seriously....bottle the sour grapes.
  5. The consensus is that firing a HC during the season is not very productive. So are we now having to bye in that based on this article we might be faced with a complete third season of non productive football? Somewhat of a fearful thought.
  6. The Liberals or Conservatives should consider hiring Lawless to write their speeches. Interesting if this article, like medias preseason predictions get republished at the end of the season.....they always seem to evaporate. Gary must have been reading his old manual from his days of working for the Argos.
  7. A website with countless unemployed comedians.
  8. If I was O'Shea I might have turned it around and ask a Brown how it was dealt with when he was playing and how would he deal with it? See what he might have come up with.
  9. Walters and O'Shea spoke on a regular basis when Walters was ST coach and O'Shea was in Toronto. When u preverbial ? How do I know? If I told u......
  10. I simply hope that Nichols doesn't feel compelled to attempt to win this game on his own. There is enough pressure coming into this situation on short notice without putting even more pressure on himself.
  11. There always seems to be the notion that a "fan" "fanatical" is in fact do or die, thick or thin. Perhaps some of us on this site are simply fans of the CFL and more so fans of GOOD football.
  12. Playoffs! Playoffs! this team needs to focus on one win in a row, or better yet two decent halves.
  13. Hervey's best aquisition appears to have been Chris Jones.
  14. Part of the issue with size is the ability to take the punishment play in and play out of playing in the box. You want to be the hammer and not the nail.
  15. Other teams have lost their #1 and had significantly better depth is the bigger issue.
  16. Part of the reason O'Donnell was based over by some teams was his agent Jonathan Hardaway. Some GMs refused to touch his players because his demands were so unreasonable.
  17. Part of both O and D schemes are based on what teams have done in the past.....tendencies. Both game plans are then formulated to work against the weaknesses teams have exhibited on both sides of the ball. The critical element in all this is which team can adjust and readjust during the course of a game. Hence when teams get out coached.
  18. MOS got to fire Tracy.....Miller brought in MB......so r we waiting for him to fire MB?
  19. Some one has to be accountable for a poor product doesn't matter what you are selling. Football is just another business.
  20. The broken record is in the win loss department. You decide who is responsible and happily let me know. The blame game has started with one axe falling. If the record doesn't improve who is then responsible? Let me know?
  21. Well it all starts at the top and has now filtered down.....if you are satisfied with that we are then witnessing the result.
  22. Over and over perhaps but it seems other teams mange to make a change and get it right.
  23. The best coach Brown had was Richard Harrie RIP.
  24. I'm not sure how you can say we should win this week? Is there a logical basis for that statement based on the previous history of the performance of this team? You can use the argument of winning back to back games for one. It would seem that the wild card in the equation is at QB. You have sent a clear message to Brohm that he isn't starting and therefore we have no confidence in you. The message for Nichols is we need you to be the saviour when clearly all else has failed.
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