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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Interesting Sask just fired a HC that was accused of trying to use fear as a motivational tool. It works for awhile and then the inmates revolt.
  2. When are we going to hear from the man that has created the current state of the union....Wade Miller?
  3. It would have to be said if MB doesn't know how to call a game then MOS knows less because he continues to let MB call the game.
  4. Ultimately it is the HC who is responsible for managing a game.
  5. Thorpe has been bypassed a couple of times already for some reason.
  6. Put a dress on a pig and it is still a pig.
  7. I guess time will tell in both Sask and Mtl? Are they positive moves or is standing pat as in Wpg the correct strategy?
  8. So much for the delusion of this team being cheap.
  9. Perhaps this team should focus on winning a game showing real improvement in all facets of the game and not trying to limp into a playoff game that will simply hide the dificincies in this team that need to be addressed.
  10. At some point if this team continues to lose out on the current NFL cuts there has to be some concern about the sentiment and stigma that this team now seems to be plagued with
  11. Hurl great? Not sure he ranks as serviceable .
  12. No doubt but does Henoc's want to sign with a bottom feeder or a team that seems to have it's ducks in order like Edm?
  13. Does he sign with a contender or a pretender?
  14. Just find 7 legit Canadian starters and forget the BS flag waving please.
  15. What made Morley an expert on CFL signings and roster moves?
  16. At this point in time speculation by either side is just that pure speculation. Given the circumstances surrounding both teams it can't be anything else. I haven't checked but I wouldn't be surprised if this game is even on proline.
  17. O'Shea and Walters were friends....they played at Guelph together and at Hamilton.....they go way back.
  18. Evaluation of the QB depth was based on a limited sample size of playing time. The question still remains was there significant and adequate competition at the QB spot in training camp?
  19. Teams know these guys are going to get cut so not much bargaining power. Get what you can and cut bait on them.
  20. They didn't seem to worried when they wanted to win the cup about it. Can't blame all that on BT......going to pull a Harper and say they didn't know?
  21. Why is it people continue to equate an effective scouting system with a quantity of staff members. Clearly it is more a relationship of those people that have quality connections that feed them players. Regardless of their titles be it AGM, GM, director of PP. People can dump on the Tillman's , Barker, Popp's and whom ever but this is purely a results driven business. This team has spent money on a staff but are they getting real bang for their buck?
  22. If bringing Wild back helps to do something to stabilize the MLB somehow....write the cheque
  23. My agenda? I simply want to watch good football regardless of which teams are playing. You and everyone else can decide what has contributed and who is responsible for the state of football in Winnipeg at this time. But it isn't fun to watch and it is anything but good football.
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