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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. They really need to assess this team in depth and not look for a band aid fix at this point. This team was 5-1 before it tanked last season. While I agree that the QB situation has now become tenuous part of that is the result of a lack of proven depth at the QB spot. This team will be under the microscope for the remainder of the season. While wins and losses may not be a true indicator continued breakdowns, errors and questionable coaching and personnel decisions should contribute in the determination of who stays and who needs to go at all levels.
  2. Some teams are releasing some vets that they don't want to own after 9 games.
  3. U r right I got my info from the TiCat website. Guess they were falsifying his resume.
  4. Blitzmore, perhaps you should check out Steinhauer's coaching resume. He started in the way back when as an assistant coach at Western Washington and the earned his way to his current position in a Hamilton.
  5. Gibson, thankfully has resigned himself to a calmer more stable situation at U of R. He was stressed out yo the nines when he was OC here and people joked about him being on suicide watch. Good luck Mike at your new gig. He is a good guy.
  6. Nice to have the luxury of sitting players of that caliber
  7. Sorry not farming equipment. Knee and hip replacements etc.
  8. I doubt he wants to quit his easy job of selling surgical implants and being an expert journalist to put him self in the cross hairs for criticism
  9. You don't perform your out. Check teams non import rosters. The talent base is already seriously depleted. You can't fire people that there is even less of a qualified pool to replace them with. Austin can kick ass because he has garnered the respect if his team based on his experience , knowledge and success. Not sure Wade qualifies there?
  10. Hiring staff isn't about giving people a "chance" it's about determining who is qualified for any position.
  11. Why do people want to hire people that have little or no coaching experience? We have had enough of that. The notion that former players would be good professional coaches really has no logical basis.
  12. Well with that logic we can only hope that Ms. Bruce Jenner doesn't want to try his luck at pro football. Just for the publicity it brings a team.
  13. That seems to be the historic hiring policy here recently.
  14. Explain the logic of bringing him in for publicity when clearly all he has ever been wherever he was is a distraction? I guess you think that the NFL hired a female official for publicity too?
  15. Do you really think that Toronto would put that kid on the street? No chance.
  16. Well then look for Miller to flex his fat and bring in Khari .
  17. He had a serious look in the NFL....for publicity ? Not likely. He had demonstrated he could play at a high level in the NCAA. He was a tweener down there and was a tweener here. He didn't all of a sudden become a dog.
  18. Why is it that so many of the recommendations for hirings become popularity? What makes Khari so qualified? Put his picture on the Conservative ad saying Trudeau - maybe later but he just isn't experienced enough. Not sure how his hair fits into that ad? My first concern is why has he bounced around from place to place in his coaching stint so far?
  19. Rave all you want about the punter/kicker and crucify the ST coach but that punt return for a TD was his fault and no one else's. Get to boom those punts as far as you can but to put a booming punt like that in the middle of the field is a cardinal sin. Firstly you have out kicked any type of coverage by 15 yds ( especially) given the new rules on releasing at the LOS. Secondly, by placing the ball in the middle of the field you have now required the cover team to blanket the entire width of the field. A punt should be between the numbers and the sidelines. At the very least between the hash marks and the sidelines. That then provides the sidelines as a boundary for containing a return thereby not giving a returner the entire width it find a seam. Credit where credi is due, blame equally where due. Players have to execute - you don't think he has been coached on where to locate a punt?
  20. It now appears that one of the starting import tackles maybe injured as well.
  21. On PI but u might still need to have a time out to forfeit if u don't get the challenge.
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