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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Interesting how people constantly ragged on Pat DelMonaco when he was the o line coach. He goes to Calgary and they just win and plug and play when they have injuries. Good players make coaches look good bad players just get coaches fired.
  2. Right the difference being Wally and Dandy Don had QB depth to go to. Not what MOS has.
  3. In the business of pro sports you get zero for an attempt or a nice try atta boys. It is a result driven business.
  4. Marve strength is his ability to scramble. He won't need much practice at that for this game. Perhaps just a good amount of rest.
  5. Desperate times means time to roll with the other guy.
  6. Seriously? I could list the current dominant MLB in the league if you like but thought you might like a trip down memory lane. Perhaps before your time. How about Lobendahn?
  7. Do you really believe the HC and management are about to fire MB in mid season. That would mean they would have to admit they made a poor hire to begin with and then repeated it a second time. That truly begins the finger pointing in their own direction.
  8. Your MLB needs to be a dominat player and his leadership is a result of that dominance. In a lot of situations your best player on defence. Remember Greg Battle as an example of such a player. Do you seriously believe Hurl can be that type of player?
  9. Why would he leave TO. New ownership and a new contract for him and Barker. QB depth and what appears to be a better scouting system.
  10. It isn't about impressing anyone....I couldn't give a rat's butt. Simply indicating that given access to the monies associated with the debt that is the situation. Do the math. Total debt plus monies borrowed to fix the problems at an interest rate equals carrying costs. If you have a mortgage you can extrapolate based on 160 million plus . Next problem is declining attendance and that impact on projected revenue if the losses continue to mount.
  11. So who takes the blame for the lack of talent?
  12. Decent doesn't cut it as a MLB. Your MLB has to be a dominant player anything less and you get exploited there.
  13. So you think Willy holds the ball too long and the o line isn't a problem? What about Hickman coming off the edge like he was spinning a turnstile?
  14. A hyperextended knee is more a description of the mechanism of the injury not the resultant damage. Unfortunately hyper extension is one of the classic mechanisms for tearing the ACL. MRI today stay tuned.
  15. Why start any receivers when the QB has one steamboat to try and throw the ball.
  16. I get tired of the cheap excuse. Perhaps it is the result of inexperienced people hiring inexperienced people who the hire more inexperienced people. This started at the top of the a Bomber food chain and worked it's way down the line.
  17. Montreal has built a solid core of o linemen doing that and been able to plug and play with 4 and 5 nationals.
  18. You give some far too much credit. Why do punts get blocked?
  19. How do they deteriorate? Opposing coaches watch video and then adjust and exploit weaknesses. Hamilton's DC realized it.
  20. Players need to be more than robots or something u can manipulate with a joystick. They have to be smart and be able to adapt on the fly to a variety of situations.
  21. And people just kept saying we could start 8 nationals. That was a dream from a far off galaxy.
  22. They aren't and if hope that they will be is your plan as a staff and organization you are poorly prepared.
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