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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. No but continually hoping that they might become good players doesn't seem to be working either. The less Neufield played the better people believed him to be.
  2. And because neither of them realized they should block the LB that then becomes a scheme issue? That's like saying an o line man that gets beat one on one as soon as the ball is snapped is because of the scheme?
  3. And sends them back out to screw up again.
  4. Co dell is in fact an extension of Austin. Two offensive minded coaches working in concert to design, develop and execute an offensive game plan. Isn't that a refreshing idea?
  5. Austin is an experienced coach MOS is still a former player trying to learn how to be a HC.....at what expense to the team?
  6. Well Ottawa must be licking their chops waiting to feast on Winnipeg then.
  7. When o linemen are getting schooled right off the snap it isn't anyone else's fault but theirs. One on one and guys just whiff.
  8. Interesting how Jason Mass seems to have solved some of Ottawa's offensive problems. I wonder if MOS even considered him as a replacement for MB.
  9. Pass protection needs to be pass protection....the responsibility of the o line and the o line coach. A poorly designed pass route tree or scheme is the responsibility of the OC.
  10. Might as well let Marve run around for his life at least he is less of a sitting duck back there.
  11. Why would anyone suggest MOS taking over the OC job? The ST is are no screening he'll and he was a ST coordinator. This staff may be in over their heads.
  12. Pretty funny when MOS says no updates. Evaluated on the field by the Therapist and the orthopaedic surgeon. I guess they have no idea either.
  13. Not sure I would take the OC job with that o line.
  14. Given the increasing lack of National depth due to the need to supply 9 teams you might as well draft a better player that might get some good coaching in the NFL than a warm body that doesn't have a prayer of ever developing into anything.
  15. Not sure why his loyalty is in question one way or another? Leaving the CFL for an opportunity to make a minimum of 500K seems to be a logical decision. One only need to ask LaBatte about loyalty to the homeland.
  16. There is no longer an option year in contracts, so a 2015 year contracted player becomes a FA in Feb.
  17. Depth is critical. While International WR depth shouldn't be as critical as Nationals it is always a concern.
  18. Maybe the comics here can come up with a name from the grave.
  19. Given the rash of QB injuries and how Winnipeg was hanging by a thread on Willy not being healthy QB depth is paramount in the CFL. So can't see TO moving Ray.
  20. Gee toss up who would I rather not listen to Brown or Westwood.
  21. Did BC have Harris in the lineup last week?
  22. Throwing experienced QBs into the fire that you have poorly equipped with the proper game plan and quality CFL experienced coaching is a recipe for failure. You think a change of location and climate was instrumental in making AC an All Star QB? Don Mathews mantra was to always put players in the best situation to be successful.
  23. The notion that people hire their buddies because they are buddies is a little far fetched. People might have a familiarity and a prior working relationship with hires but buddies because they are buddies? You are going to put your ass on the line and your own livelihood to give a buddy a job. Granted Robson's prior working relationship with Mack was far to removed and lead to a poor hire. The irony was weeks after Mack's hire both Robson and Poplawski quit the BoD.
  24. Sask record has nothing to do with Hurl playing there or not playing there or if he is a legitimate starter.
  25. And Hurl remains the invisible man. Another case of a team bucking up for another teams part time player hoping he can start. Why do u think Sask didn't buck up. Guess they had figured it out.
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