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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Khari's million dollar contract? Over 5 years maybe
  2. Pall is just another example of the law of supply and demand. When there isn't an adequate supply of National players they linger and linger and get recycled over and over again. Other examples are Hinse and yes Swiston. The CFL should get the Waste Management Recycle Award.
  3. People should be more concerned about Neufeld getting his butt on the field and keeping it there. Potential has yet to win at anything.
  4. If you historically exam the draft there are more duds than studs. Just the way it is.
  5. Scouting report on Goard reads like a carbon copy of the one on Greg Carr.
  6. Give Etienne a friggin break he was a kicker who had played one year of CIS as a WR. The biggest mistake was not sending him back to play another year of CIS so he could actually get playtime. The notion was how can you send a first rounder back? Well it seems to work for the NHL.
  7. That's why they call it PR sports fans what the f did you expect? It was well written and gave people some behind the scene insight. Good job Darren.
  8. Well to get experience you will have had to previously demonstrated both talent and the ability to win. Sort of goes hand in hand with experience.
  9. Is this the same person who reported they were close to signing Sears? Oh right that was Walters. Well Kyle sometimes it's better to wait until you have pen to paper.
  10. Say what you want but there is no substitute for experience especially at the QB position.
  11. I wasn't specifically stating or naming Glenn as any type of solution, rather expressing concern at the significant lack of experienced QB depth here.
  12. Not sure being a PR body for practice qualifies as employed.
  13. Ironically one of Morley's better seasons was when he was at OT until the brain trust decided that position was exclusively an import spot.
  14. Someone please explain the difference between Swiston and Pencer?
  15. Last season. Demonstrated the need and value of teams having an experienced back up QB. I don't care who it is but the a Bombers have a starter with a year's experience as a starter and nobody as an experienced back up. Roll the dice on that combination?
  16. Interesting how people think Ottawa is a mail in get 2 points game. Perhaps based on last year they feel the same way about on collecting the 2 points.
  17. What a crap sked....too many short weeks and short weeks on travel weeks. This is the result of the Women's soccer, the pan Am games and the Blue Jays. Once again the CFL are third class citizens.
  18. Under the new CBA not sure why anyone sees a value in a multi year deal. The elimination of the option year means a greater potential for bargaining power when you could've come a FA every Feb.
  19. Well Chevy, now having a bad actor coming off labrum surgery in his shoulder you might get a Kia for him without a warranty. Good luck. You waited too long to dumb that turd.
  20. Where there is smoke there is fire. History would suggest that Kane hasn't always been a consummate pro. When your off ice activities, whatever they may be begging to overshadow your one ice production, it is time to go. That holds in any pro sport. Charles Roberts is a fine example. The challenge is that your perceived value also diminishes.
  21. The two things that will keep that kid out of pro ball are a knife and a fork.
  22. Draft picks aren't automatically starters for two primary reasons 1) they may not be ready to start and 2) coaches are often afraid to start them. A great exceptin was LaBatte but he was ready to play and fortunately or unfortunately if you choose to think that it was only because Sheridan got hurt ( again).
  23. Getting better by subtraction doesn't necessarily translate into additional wins, getting better by addition does. The consensus is some of those individuals cut perhaps should have never been here....and that goes for players and coaches.
  24. There is a forensic audit of all teams financials with serious penalties involved.
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