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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Anyone who believes the Jets to be anything better than an AHL team needs to really examine the depth and talent level of that team....the operative aspect here is OBJECTIVELY.
  2. PR salary minimum is $700....u can pay a player a game cheque on the PR if you want.
  3. This team has more holes to fill without trying to start some QB BS. Let's worry about the big stuff
  4. U can dump all over Campbell but at last reports he recently beat Mike O'Shame
  5. With that o line glad to see Willy out of the line up. Death sentence for the QB
  6. Gee let's cut a potential league rushing leader to save some bucks ? Wow!
  7. Bend and don't tackle defence maybe more accurate
  8. Equally don't necessarily believe the naysayers here who said he was one of the worst backs in the CFL either. Still waiting on the blight of his successor whoever that poor soul might be? Everyone's hero the backup QB, goalie and now here.
  9. How much will you pay me to take them off your hands?
  10. Coaches are paid to coach the players the GM and scouting staff provides them with. If they want to be in player personnel they should give up coaching.
  11. Grigsby is a rookie and unless there was a significant change in the CBA rookies can be released and not be paid. As for the delusion of trading him people seem to thing that people like Watson, Swiston, Grigsby, January and a host of others have value as trade paid. Why? They are not worth a box of tape.
  12. Volny as a serious replacement....not sure that qualifies as a plan
  13. Not sure that was a tough prediction....history does repeat. Try for the lotto max numbers and make us believers.
  14. Cal Murphy never got rid of anyone unless he had a real replacement lined up. For all you cheerleaders that are applauding Grigsby's released who is the true replacement?
  15. He hired leftovers and castoffs last year. It remains to be seen who if anyone he has the ability to attract to his staff after this year.
  16. Part of the reason the defence is on the field so much is they can't stop the other team. How many 2 and outs do they force?
  17. GM interviews candidate for HC job. One question.....who do you see as your staff? O'Shea.....ah ah ah......Chris Jones pulls half the staff out of TO....O'Shea.....ah ah. Chris Jones pulls FAs out of TO......O'Shea? You think there are problems?
  18. Didn't hear BC crying the wow is me injury excuse.
  19. People continue to talk out of both sides of their mouth here. They herald MOS as the saviour of this team and then do nothing but ***** about his hiring of co ordinations and that he continued to play Kuale , Grigsby and now playing Bryant over Kelly. You can't have it both ways .
  20. Signing Butler is a big splash NI signing...signing Newman and declaring him as a starter is purely speculative and based on limited actual playing time. Don't confuse hope with a plan.
  21. How do you break a tackle when the blocking is so poor you are getting met behind the LOS
  22. Do people really expect O'Shame to admit he has a garbage o line while using 3 subpar Imports.
  23. People need to stop bitching about Grigsby....Tied for third in rushing...leads in rushing TDs....second In yards Recieving by RBs to Andrew Harris. Similar yards as Whitiker who plays behind a far superior o line than Grigsby. What exactly do people expect from Grigsby?
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