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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. If Renaud is two inches taller and has a better vertical he might have a better chance fielding those deep snaps high into centre field
  2. Try to market and sell tickets when you don't advertise your marquee QB as the starter.
  3. Taman realizes that ultimately defence wins championships. Edmonton's defence has shown the ability to score any time they are on the field. The last 2 Bomber cups were a result of outstanding defences and average offences that did not turn the ball over.
  4. Does it make sense to have Willy take a high percentage of the reps then have him get in the game and last a couple of series? Then Brohm has to go into the game poorly prepared.
  5. Who are boxers going to sue then? There is a retain assumption of risk that everyone takes when they partake in any activity. Look very closely on the bottom back. Of a football helmet. Sports equipment manufacturers have made sure they have put a disclaimer on their equipment advising of inherent risks associated with the game for that very reason.
  6. How is DelManaco grading out in Calgary? You can't make chicken salad out of chicken .....
  7. So we are not playing a guy that is healthy because he might get injured? Why is he then still on the team? What does it the take for him to get on the field? Is he now the next Suber on this team?
  8. Tell me how Neufield, a guy that has barely played and a lower round draft pick are worth a bonafide starter and a higher pick?
  9. I would think that rather than trying to fudge what they owe in terms of draft picks that the team needs to focus on which QB gives them the best chance at winning.
  10. Please define your perception that this is a "good" team?
  11. People want to turn this back onto Etch and the defense.....this team has failed to show improvement in all three aspects of the game.
  12. Wins and losses aside coaches will tell you that what they want a team to do is to progress and improve In their execution in every facet of the game each week. This team has now continued to struggle to show an improvement for an extended period of time.
  13. If in any profession you decide to choose loyalty over ability ultimately it will lead to your demise.
  14. I didn't say that....I'm not the HC OC DC or GM they are the ones that continue to plat Grigsby over Cotton and Kuale over whom ever else you might like to play so they think they are better then the alternative.
  15. Somebody in their Devine wisdom has chosen to play any and all of these players not those of us on this fan site who think otherwise.
  16. Who do people birth more about Kuale or Grigsby ? Put Gribsby behind a Sask's or Calgary's O line and see how bad he is?
  17. Sadly the end result is you bring in discards from the scrap yard like Pall to fill spots.
  18. Simple solution....like anything else...if you don't like the product don't buy it, use it or read it....
  19. I guess the next big test is Cornish and the Stamps.
  20. A win is a win , loss a loss. Penalties, Turnovers, ST, O and D all contribute to success or failure. The result is the result. Continue to have lapses in any of these areas and you affect the eventual outcome.
  21. If you can't manage all three facets of the game, stop taking senseless penalties and having a negative turnover ratio you will ultimately lose more times then you win. One tsn graphic illustrated the win- loss ratio of the Bombers based on the success of big plays. A difficult way to expect to have continued success.
  22. Hate the game not the players.....or at least then just hate the officials.
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