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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Pretty sad....fortunately Miller didn't get his way when he wanted to hire Worman in Winnipeg.
  2. What purpose does faking an injury serve? The quickest ticket out of town is get injured and miss too many days. Only the NIPs have that luxury
  3. Not just DEs....any FA legitimate starters. They missed the boat on Laurent. This isn't the NFL where you go out and find a guy that fits the system. Systems need to adapt to the best available players. That is the true element of success when dealing with the ratio....quality guys plug them in to a position and then depth.
  4. Cal Murphy's quote....." You can't make the Club in the tub".... Some guys better figure it out.
  5. I guess FA might have been a good option in Feb. but hindsight is........ That would be being proactive and not reactive.
  6. I guess you better.....it seems you didn't like some of the guys you brought into camp with all the scouting and evaluating you did in the off season.
  7. The sad reality is the rules require you to play 7 non import starters. If you don't see this team scrambling in the pre season to meet that quota what happens when one goes down. Even the good teams with depth are hunting for warm non import bodies of the scrap heap in the fall. By adding an additional team the depth pool has become further diluted.
  8. Why more import D ends? This team needs non imports !
  9. Walby? Seriously ? John Madden has come and gone.....Cherry needs to go and now broadcasting is taking a step backwards with Walby. The upside to it is he will keep that idiot Westwood inline.
  10. When he is healthy? How many games has he started and you are likely starting a pure rookie at centre. Like I said serious depth and veteran experience.
  11. It is far to early to put a huge emphasis on the so called first team players. That can change in a second. As for the ratio, remember this if you start a NIP at a spot you need an equal or at least an adequate back up at that spot. Too often when someone gets hurt you nd of shuffling 3 players around to finish the game. This team has serious depth issues at any and all NIP spots. The notion of playing an import safety is a fantasy. The notion of 4 NIP o line is equally so. This team struggled with 3 NIP o line last season. Likely it is 3 on the o line, 2 receivers if you can find two healthy ones and a back up, a safety , and a flop between a DL or field corner at best. Knowing again you need a back up for the corner spot. Heaven help this team when the NIP starters get hurt.
  12. I'm not sure the league will let the players get into a position were they can strike and threaten the playing of a game. A little risky.
  13. No basically this team is significantly shy on NIP depth and perhaps a greater effort should have been put forth on NIP FA signing.
  14. Non import depth could be a serious issue moving forward. I'm not sure starting 4 nip o line is an option. This team had serious challenges starting 3 last season...4 might be a huge stretch.
  15. You can't just have people wondering around a facility that size for security and safety reason....pretty simple.
  16. Why is the notion that padded practice is an indication of full contact? There is a degree of a safety factor in wearing pads as some element of contact is likely when not wearing pads. ***** ***** *****...go naked if that makes them settle.
  17. The irony of all this Freissen BS is people hear continue to read him, write about him and complain about him. I guess that makes him successful at what he does. Stop fanning the fire folks.
  18. 98% I call fudge on that.....more hype and posturing by the PA
  19. Pretty funny.....players say when they become coaches they won't do this or that...... Coaches say when they become the Head Coach they won't do this or that....... Ultimately some element of paranoia or insecurity usually sneaks in..... There are always exceptions... The bottom line is if you don't think you can trust, or that your staff will be loyal and support the common cause.....why did you hire them?
  20. I say the CFL is trying to leverage players and force the PA into either another strike vote or to vote on ratifying the CFL's last proposal. The PA waffled on not reporting to TC and now have been seen as not a solidified group by the league.
  21. Welcome to the sorted world of labour negotiations. Be it sport or business just the way it works. This is pure business..if you think either side cares about the fans apart from the financial side of it you might be a little naïve
  22. The players will cave....apart from the elite who got report and pass bonuses they are flat broke now.
  23. That's why they named it Twitter......it's for Twitts.
  24. The players have no power. They have gone from a we won't report stance to reporting in good faith. They are folding like a cheap tent. The CFL knows for the most part they are broke and vets can't wait to get their $750 camp cheque on Sunday for reporting. And yes the lucky few would get a report and pass cheque as well. The few that have it in their contract.
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