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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. The plan at Point Douglas was a no go for a number of reasons, similar to a failed waterfront proposal in Hamilton. There was no infrastructure present in either case to support a project of that magnitude. The cost would have been prohibitive. U of M was a compromise to secure federal and provincial funding.
  2. Don't get too hyped by early signings. This is exactly what other teams have done and why they have mini camps. You work out players at free agent camps and before mini camps. You then bring them to a mini camp to determine if they can compete with CFL calibre players. If you decide the can't you release them prior to main camp part of the issue is only contracted players are to attend mini camps. So some of these marginal guys are signed then released as per league requirements.
  3. The fact that someone has to win or lose a game means a 50% success rate per game. Sports marketing experts will tell you that you sell HOPE in the off season. I sense that people are getting tired of simply buying hope. Fans are getting impatient and want results. There will always be the diehard fans be it hockey or football. The critical element is filling in season tickets with the hopefully buyers and not relying heavily on walk up.
  4. What affect does the new CBA have on the financials from last year? Last years financials are an audited historical report they have nothing to do with any type of projection or forecasting that might in any way be related to the CBA.
  5. The hypocrisy of the BoD appointment rejection isn't so much about Rabb not being directly connected to the governance of the City or his perceived relationship with Sammy. The irony is that the BoD is already a product of the Old Boys network and that networks desire to protect their little club knowing Rabb may bring a greater element of accountability to the BoD.
  6. I guess we will just have to see what transpires. Not sure why u feel compelled to label something trollish if you don't agree?
  7. Why would Ottawa give away Glenn? He is exactly the insurance policy any team wanting depth at the QB spot needs. His contract allows him to be a perfect back up in Ottawa or on any team. He only gets a good amount of money based on playtime. It has been proven that teams better not count on a QB playing 18 games in a season.
  8. This is all the part of the internal power brokers on on BoD. Notably Asper can't stand Rabb and knows Rabb will challenge Asper and the other old boys on the BoD and make them accountable. Another sad chapter if Rabb gets vetoed.
  9. The cfl pays for 54 playoff shares to be distributed to active, injured and 9 game injured. Any other shares paid to coaches, staff and pr players are at the expense of the team. Bonus clauses to the players for playoff performances are not permitted in a standard player contract.
  10. I think the assumption that over spending the cap by 18k had a significant effect on them winning the cap is a bit of a stretch. A little perspective might be the Yankees annual attempt to spend and win the World Series.
  11. Revenue sharing is tied into league revenue not necessarily individual team revenue.
  12. So we go from worrying about players that often missed assignments within a defensive system to now having players having to digest, comprehend and execute a philosophical understanding of defence. Glad Etch isn't teaching at a med school somewhere.
  13. Well cracks and gaps don't offer much resistance combined with the porous nature of concrete can be a major contributor to damage. I still maintain that there is no simple, quick or cheap fix for this.
  14. If someone things drainage issues are easily solved they clearly have never dealt with a drainage problem. Water under any circumstance be it in the environment or in a man made situation has only one guiding influence. That being GRAVITY. If there is a crack or crevese it will find it and flow where gravity takes it. Seal up one spot and it will flow and travel until the next. For someone to simply pass this off as a minor problem is either uneducated, inexperienced, delusional or simply thinks the rest of us are idiots.
  15. Nate....not sure why you think Miller would have a friend in Bauer if the PC were to be elected?
  16. Forgive me but don't right guards have to pass block as well? Throw another log on the pile of o line projects. Maybe he and Kowalchuk can hold hands in the huddle. This team needed to acquire some experience bonafide nip Oline starters. Wylie is a good coach not a miracle worker. You don't all of a sudden make guys solid offensive lineman. Anyone got the recipe for turning chicken ....into chicken salad other than Chef Wylie the miracle man.
  17. Well I agree with Spuds about the next government and ultimately the public being on the hook for the stadium the interesting thing will be if the next government is willing to write a blank cheque without more direct involvement in the management and governance of the football Club. Perhaps that might be the silver lining in all of this .
  18. Well if Selinger thinks investorsStadium is going to be his legacy he better think again. If it was a Toyota they would be recalling it. With Lyle Bauer being named CEO of the MB PC party it will be interesting to see how much fuss the PCs make about the NDP money pit.
  19. Acknowledgment is stating there is a little water? A good number of the suites have significant water damage, ceiling tiles, drywall and carpet. Never mind the cost of cosmetic repairs, the actual cost of just identifying the source of the water intrusion, never mind the repairs will be significant. Who is shelling out this time? Asper should be the embarrassed guy and he then collected 4 million when he handed over the "plans" for the facility. He should by his architect some Lego and let him see what he can screw up with it.
  20. I guess that is on the media is managed by Putin as well.
  21. Start an Imp at C? That is an absolute waste of an import spot. I truly hope people aren't serious.
  22. And the hits just keep on coming . This will turn into CYA by all involved. Asper and his two bit architect, the Club and the BBB, which is basically a shell company of the Club, the Builder and the lawyers when people decline responsibility and refuse to pay up. If I'm the insurer the first thing I scream is negligence in the design ........ As for Miller playing the decline access and the deny game? It's 2014 and you can't hide like the good old days. How long before someone snaps a few shots of the suites complete with indoor pools and they end up on the internet?
  23. Well how well did Rambo's scouting system work in Hamilton when Desjardins hired him there. Rambo had the hear of Hunt in Ottawa and got Desjardins hired there. I guess we'll see how it goes there now. Scouting ultimately is in the eye of the beholder. Napkins , 16 mm film, VCR it isn't the technology or the resources it is the evaluator.
  24. The great part about April is everyone is a hero and nobody has lost a game yet.
  25. Allegations or not Kane could use some lessons from Crosby on how do be a professional.
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