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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Please do. LaPo was Mack's screw up. Mack was the Robson's and the BoD screw up. As was Buchko.
  2. The players can hold out and sacrifice there $725 a week camp cheques for a couple of weeks but when the threat of missing game cheques looms it's suck it up and get a deal done. The lockout of players during camp doesn't really cost the Clubs much.
  3. One of Pencer's problems apart from being injured is he has barely played a down of football in the last 4 years. For you glass half full guys I guess that makes him fresh legs....not.
  4. All that means is he wants to play out his optional d test the NFL interest. Certainly not anything unusual.
  5. Pretty funny statement by the PA... The league would have locked them out anyway and put the squeeze on them. Now the league doesn't have to worry about any litigation issues over a lockout. Nice work PA you have the league exactly where they want to be in this process,
  6. I guess the pressure is on him to see if he can make chicken salad out of what has been chicken otherwise.
  7. When all else fails blame the Head Coach and the goalie. When will people be objective and realize this team is and has been lacking in the necessary depth and talent to compete at the level needed over a demanding schedule.
  8. Not sure how the draft impacts signing a starting MLB. There should be no expectation that there is a CIS player of the calibre needed to start at MAC. Even Henoc never carried that immediate expectation.
  9. Don't confuse the MTS with IGF. The MTS press box was an upgrade to the existing structure. The IGF was purely design negligence and only one of many design flaws by someone who had no knowledge of stadium design. There is a vast difference,
  10. The over emphasis on using the combine as an significant evaluation tool has been an issue in the past. Teams now have access to a large pool of CIS game tape at their disposal. I would suggest that the E Camp ay give additional insight into players through their interviews and perhaps any health / injury issues that might put up a red flag.
  11. I think the estimation of 100 of these players being of pro quality is extreme. If you look at how few of the 64 - eight rounds of eight players in the draft actually make it perhaps 20 might even be a stretch on a good year.
  12. Any time there was bad news Bell got marched up to the front lens to be the face and the fall guy. Don't shoot the messenger .
  13. Unlikely Buchko gets his CJOB job back , saying he is a potential candidate is political lip service. He was actually on his way out at OB when the idiots on the BOD hired him.
  14. With the knowledge that Ottawa was going to come back into the league the CFL wanted to add more NIP spots to the PR a couple of years ago for development. The old boys in the CFLPA voted it out....wanted to be protective of their own job security I guess.
  15. The players won't have to worry about a strike, the league will lock them out. Brown fails to say that because he was a NIP he never really had to worry about his next cheque. In contrast the IMPS know the supply of players in the CFL far exceeds the demand. On top of his hefty salary Brown always had the luxury of a significant off season roster bonus to carry him through his "lean" time between the end and the start of the season. Those roster bonuses are an increasing rarity and reserved only for the elite players. The rich stay rich and the rest scramble for the start of camp. Brown needs to take the silver spoon out of whatever orrifice it's in and would benefit from sometime on the poorer side of the tracks before he starts painting the picket signs for his past brethren.
  16. I'm not sure how much sense it makes for fans or players alike to try and project their longevity. The nature and risks associated with the game is such that they are one play away from the potential end of their carriers. Any organization that thinks or does not plan on those risks is ill prepared.
  17. A great deal of success of this venture is related to the overall commercial development of the site. That will drive this team. Similar to Asper's plan for the site of the old stadium. The difference being that the Ottawa location is more viable on the banks of the Rideau Canal.
  18. The league knows they hold all the cards. By May 90% of the players don't have a pot to piss in and are dying for their first camp cheque.
  19. Tell Brown to look in the mirror at his ego inflated sorry ass. What player isn't better with a quality supporting cast? What a ridiculous statement? If Glenn hadn't broken his arm in the Eastern Final Brown long and storied career would have been graced with winning a GC. Sorry Dougie maybe you too weren't as great as you seem to think you were and still are.
  20. Jade was going to be a free agent in a few days. He was going back home like LaBatte. How can you complain about getting something for a guy that you were going to lose anyway?
  21. Barker has always been a supporter of reinstating the NFL window for option year players. I am sure his philosophy is why have a completely disgruntled player that you try and force to come back. I would suggest they agreed if he released him now and he doesn't make the NFL he will resign in a Toronto. The risk being is because the player is technically a free agent he can renege and go elsewhere. The counter philosophy is Wally's . "I own you, play out your option. Conversely you end up with the Kory Banks scenario.
  22. Perhaps people need to differentiate between what a reporter writes and the editorial license of a columnist.
  23. At the first sign of trouble and adversity who should we then question?
  24. I guess it all hinges on how greedy the players think they can get and how much the league digs in their heels.
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