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Everything posted by DR. CFL

  1. Tillman brought in a bunch of those players into Hamilton. Tillman and Austin are tight and Danny Mac wasn't Austin's guy. The way of the football world.
  2. Cortez didn't relate well to players as a HC in Hamilton. He would be a great OC but why would he leave to be an OC in Wpg with no prospect of playoff money in the Peg.
  3. That is lucky? I'd be inclined to say that it is sad....at best
  4. I guess Winnipeg could use some of that so called luck then.
  5. Is self admitted downfall or shortfall was the fact that he knew nothing about the CFL. Tough assignment to get especially in Winnipeg with such a dedicated football following.
  6. How is Troy Smith a fluke? Popp saw something he believed in when he put him on their neg list 7 odd years ago. I am not sure that qualifies as a fluke.
  7. That being said nobody knows who has access to what sources for information so there perhaps is substance to what oters might consider pure speculation. True or false?
  8. Marcel is waiting on the Ottawa HC job....the CFL dominos
  9. If Dyce gets a shot to be an OC again he would go with LaPo to Ottawa.
  10. He was great until defences figured out the throw back pattern. You want to hire Jones as OC great, I want Maas. If you don't like the answer don't ask the question I guess.
  11. He is still very young by NFL standards and has certainly demonstrated an ability to play ST. NFL teams are always lookiNg to replace ST players that get up their in salary and near being vested in the NFL pension which is an additional cost to the team. So he is certainly going to get a look.
  12. People are questioning the process that has taken place and the optics that it continues to take place as an element of continued concern. That seems legitimate .
  13. Because Miller will tell him to. That and slim pickings out there for OC candidates....it means KJ wins by default.
  14. U forgot rookie CEO, should have a shoe in for next years rookie of the year award.
  15. Why....I understand Maas to be more of a student of the game where as Jones was more about getting by on his ability when he played. I think the student translates into more tangible qualities in terms of coaching and formulating an offensive scheme.
  16. It will be interesting to see if CRTC ruling regarding Canadian content has any impact on this moving forward.
  17. Sadly people declined interviews for the GM and HC jobs. You can draw whatever conclusions you like to that.
  18. If you Dickenson was the main reason for the upgrade from Palardy' to Sandra , hopefully he takes Sandra with him when he leaves.
  19. Wade walked up a flight of stairs during his search.....it was exhaustive.
  20. I would take Maas over Khari but my sense Maas ends up in Edmonton and Jones gets the job by default....sadly.
  21. Well so much for the notion of being close to getting a deal done. No one should be surprised by this. He would have been nuts not to. But stop with the "really want to be here BS" and just be honest. People got shovelled that load of manure from LaBatte and sadly some people swallowed. Look out for the second and third helpings. 3 reasons players use to decide where they want to play , are and will remain, money, location and playtime.
  22. Is anyone really surprised? Some share the concern as was with past recent hires as to the process. Walters is a good man I just hope his hands don't get tied too often by an interfering boss that thinks he knows more about running a football team than perhaps he really does. Best of luck Kyle.
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