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O2L last won the day on February 16 2019

O2L had the most liked content!

About O2L

  • Birthday 1985-05-30

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    Los Angeles

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  1. They’re in Vancouver where there’s a lot of fun stuff to do at night. This wasn’t a concern in Hamilton or Regina, where the most fun thing to do is play bloody knuckles with your drunk cousin, therefore a curfew wasn’t necessary.
  2. Lol Fields just vanished from this video
  3. I’m currently sitting in LAX, flight leaves here at 7am and I land in Seattle at 10am then from there an easy breezy 2hr 40m drive straight to BC Place! Did I sleep last night? Of course not!
  4. Is TD MB happening Sunday before/after the game as well or no?
  5. I got a ticket in Sec 213, Row B (which is row 2) right behind the Bombers bench! I’m coming in solo, flying to Seattle tomorrow night then driving to Van. Would love to meet up with some of you guys before the game if there’s a tailgate or pre-game party and/or after the game to celebrate! Anyone sitting near me?
  6. This very much appears to be written by AI. I’m not kidding, I think it was.
  7. What row/seat numbers? I’ll see if I can get a seat next to you!
  8. Good bot.
  9. Hey y’all, I’ll be flying up to the Grey Cup solo from LA. Those of you that are going, where are your seats? I’d love to sit with other Bomber fans!
  10. Nah his hand was under the shoulder pad.
  11. Oh right, because they had a tie this year.
  12. We only need to win one of our last three games to clinch first place now, right?
  13. What I like about Edmonton scoring is that it gives my hope of the bombers cracking 60 alive!
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