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Everything posted by O2L

  1. I’m so bloody happy they went with Streveller. Same thing I said in the chat last week: I’d rather see an exciting offence that takes chances and makes some mistakes than a 2-and-out machine, which is what we would’ve seen under Ross. Streveller has a similar at style to Collaros pre-injury, or even Reilly, whereas Ross is similar to Brohm, post-injury Willy, etc.
  2. nubrady himself, Chris Streveller.
  3. I’ll add that Gaitor is better than Heath in my opinion. They play differently but I feel like Heath makes plays that we all see (picks etc) but sometimes at the expense of missing assignements. Gaitor basically made Arcenaux invisible last week when he was manned up on him.
  4. I very much miss the days that there were smaller more concentrated threads. I know I don’t post much and lurk far more, but I absolutely hate digging through big long threads and going back multiple pages trying to figure out where I left off. Leading into today, I feel like a stand-alone thread discussing who we thought would/should be the starting QB would’ve been good to have separate. I actually think most major news deserves its own thread and have found it much more frustrating navigating the site since the change to big, multi-page, catch-all threads. It’s just weird to jump into a thread and see a dozen different conversations happening, and have to read every quoted message to understand what someone is replying to. The software naturally prioritized new posts, so threads that aren’t popular will naturally die off anyway. What’s the problem with many threads? If a topic doesn’t interest you, just ignore it. Still easier and quicker to sift through 20 thread titles than 20 pages on a post to determine if you’re interested or not.
  5. We don’t play Hamilton twice, we play them once and Toronto once in the first six weeks (and then TO again in week seven).
  6. Really wish we had a bye in there. As it stand now, if he misses six weeks from today, that’s a full six games including two against the lions which could give them a tiebreaker. Luckily, three of the other games are eastern opponents, and no other doubles. If we’re going with who we have in-house, I say let the young kid with the upside run with it and don’t yank him. Give him immense game reps and regardless of our record when Nichols returns, Streveler will be in a good position to back him up down the line.
  7. Some reports saying we’ll start two Canadian receivers (Demski and Coates), but wouldn’t it be just Demski with Flanders in at slot?
  8. And our typically clutch kicker missed a game-winning field goal in Toronto. We were every bit as good as our record suggests. We beat every team in the league, and tonight, that included ourselves.
  9. Just watched June Jones and Andy Fantuz interview on TSN. They sound like they’d be stunned to win tomorrow. Like not just your typical “respect the opponent” kind of thing, they talk about sneaking a win and getting lucky. I know their record isn’t great, but weird to hear a team have seemingly so little confidence publicly.
  10. Harris has some pretty public issues with Wally and the Lions as well. I think he’s just more mature now, and maybe if Roberts was playing at 30 he would’ve been too. That said, looking at everything Harris does, maybe Wally should’ve given him more of the load after all.
  11. Maybe in addition to the GoFundme we could make our voices heard to the commissioner? He seems to like to “do the right thing” when it’s in the public eye...
  12. Our second down conversions ( or lack thereof) and inability to capitalize on amazing field position are reason enough that this wasn’t our best overall game. Maybe best defensive effort, but best overall game is either last week against Ottawa or earlier in the year @ Hamilton.
  13. The effort on the fumble was great, but it would’ve been wiped out by the too many men call against Edmonton anyway.
  14. How about their turf-assisted reception that led directly to a field goal? If that was the difference in the game there’d be hell to pay for those officials.
  15. Agreed that Edmonton’s receivers are stronger this time around, but our secondary has improved tenfold since the announcement that the Roc is done for the season!
  16. We need to pick off some of those 50/50 balls. The score flattered Edmonton last time we played them because, even though guys were in position, we let them catch the big ones. We have a better lineup this week than we did then (in the secondary), but Edmonton also has better receivers this game.
  17. Not sure many Rider fans cared how or why they won the 2007 Grey Cup, just that they won. Hate to say it, but I’d feel the same way
  18. I think Harris/Tate is the best 1/2, they just happen to both be injured...
  19. Both teams can’t win out, they play each other once. So if we win out and Calgary wins all but the game against us, then they get first by one point. So what we need is for one team to beat Calgary, and for us to win all our games. I think that team will be Sask.
  20. I’m not going to cheer for the Riders, but I do want the Stamps to lose. Aside from our game against them, I think this is the last game in their schedule that there’s a chance for them to lose, and if we want first we need to both beat them, and have them lose one other (assuming both they and we win all other games). I don’t see them losing to anyone else, and I want to be number one, no matter how much I hate the Riders. I want to Riders to take them out in the West Semi too, so that they come in here for the final thinking they’re Cup bound and we shatter their dreams.
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