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Everything posted by Valderan_CA

  1. I don't think this really says anything all that particularly negative about Etienne. Kohlert has been surprisingly good.
  2. I've seen a CFL contract and all I will say is that if that letter was anything like a contract, I could totally buy the argument that it wasn't clear enough. The player contracts are confusing as hell and I don't mean because they're filled with legal terminology someone like me wouldn't understand. The letter was terrible, looked like someone who had no clue how to write, nevermind write something that is supposed to meet contractual obligations.
  3. ? I didn't see this anywhere... All NI DL, Johnson Safety, Muamba Will, Labbe MLB? Sounds like a lineup they'll run Linebacker Blitzes out of
  4. well no ****... as far as defensive ends go Hall isn't half bad at what he does
  5. Or his agent had already started negotiating before his contract situation was resolved
  6. Or his agent was in negotiations with the redskins and he was trying to influence those negotiations with social media? That's usually a pretty solid strategy. I'm not saying he is trying to influence those negotiations in an intelligent manner
  7. Irony being the ruling proved Wms. agent to be a liar as the first version of their argument they peddled was they received no notification. You could take the interpretation that Williams was confused by the letter he received and didn't realize it was his notification (which the court's eventually agreed that the letter was insufficient due to its lack of clarity) The court's interpretation was that Williams in effect did not receive notification..
  8. Here's the thing about that letter, if you knew absolutely nothing whatsoever about football contracts and the CFL the intent of that letter wasn't even close to clear in what was happening. I think the judge threw the letter out on that basis. However, if you have any clue how contracts work in the CFL, w.r.t. teams exercising the option year in a contract and what that means, the intent of the letter becomes more clear. Although this new clarity is only because we know WHY the letter is being sent (we know the background information).
  9. Or his agent was in negotiations with the redskins and he was trying to influence those negotiations with social media?
  10. This is not why Williams was able to get his contract cancelled... They cancelled his contract because Hamilton sent him a P.O.S. boilerplate letter saying they were taking the option on his contract and a judge found that their P.O.S. letter was insufficient. So most likely every single player who was in the option year of their contract this year in Hamilton could have had their contract annulled for the exact same reason.
  11. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough. not too swift on the uptake? he apparently has am NFL sniff and didnt want to commit to a 1 + 1 deal.. Oh sorry I missed that. Other then it being mentioned in this thread. Which is of course the same as official confirmation. no but i would believe this could constitute offical enough eh? Darrin Bauming ‏@DarrinBauming 18m Tim Burke confirms #Bombers let running back Bradley Randle go because he still has NFL opportunities and didn't want to lock up a contract. sorry if it contradicts your "bombers are such a mess!" bashfest.. The fact that this has already happened twice seems a bit...off, though. To me it feels like Walters is bringing up guys who still have NFL shots, who have said they still want to take their shots. I think he is hoping to convince them that the CFL is a good choice right now while they are up here. Both guys who left have real legitimate shots to make NFL squads if a team has injuries (Randall looked REAL GOOD in that Vikings pre-game, I wouldn't be shocked to see him picked up if someone start to have RB depth issues)... Same thing with Rouse, someone starts to have CB injuries, needs additional depth and he is suddenly making NFL game check pay.
  12. I just go to the website, it's mobile enabled
  13. So, is it the U of M who won't build a parking lot on the old golf course land??? That would go a long way to alleviate problems. I don't think that's a solution. The problem is getting people on and off the campus, adding more cars wouldn't help without adding another route on and off campus. Most people don't want to park on campus unless they have mobility issues. They aren't selling the parking they have available now. Just a question but do you think that fans will be happy taking buses for the next 50-60 years to Bomber games? I think the novelty will wear off fast. If Winnipeg had rapid transit like Calgary's C Train or the mono rail train in Vancouver right to the stadium it might be different. I just have my doubts. People like driving to the games & parking their cars. I've been to 2 games this season & used the bus. I enjoy listening to the post game show in my car after the game. By the time I get back to the arena parking lot where my car is in St Vital the post game show is over. If I went to 10 games a year by bus I may not like it. I had the post game show going on my phone on the bus ride back to the park and ride, had people ask me to turn it up so they could listen. I'll happily take the bus to every game for the next 10,20,30 years... No waiting in traffic in my car AT ALL... hell yes The current location with it's transit options is BETTER than the old stadium...
  14. Would you rather no sponsors and have to pay more to attend games? I think I'd rather have a government corps use this as a tax break and aleviate some of the cost on the fans. If not ticket prices would likely soar forcing fans to stay home. And you don't HAVE to use MB hydro. You could pay Saskpower to come install a line to your house if you really want! No you can't, at least not if Hydro says you can't --- C.C.S.M. c. H190 The Manitoba Hydro Act Powers of corporation with approval of L. G. in C. 16(1) With the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council the corporation may © require any person generating, transmitting, distributing, or supplying power, to supply such power to the corporation as the board may from time to time require or designate; (d) within such territorial or other limits as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may from time to time prescribe, control and regulate the development, generation, transmission, distribution, and supply, of power in Manitoba, and, for any of those purposes, control and regulate the flow of, and right to use for the generation of power, or any purpose connected therewith, the water in any lake, river, or watercourse, or other body of water in Manitoba, and the taking, diversion, storage, or pondage of any such water; Too much reading for a Friday. I suppose if you got approval and had enough money you could but really whats the point? Still I'd rather have any support for the club then no support at all! I don't consider paying more than it would cost to go off the grid just to get power from another supplier (not including however much you would need to bribe people to actually get an approval) an actual option. IMO this isn't support for the Bombers, this is MB government playing with numbers so that they don't need to worry about having to deal with the Bombers being late/short on loan payments. Politicking != support
  15. Would you rather no sponsors and have to pay more to attend games? I think I'd rather have a government corps use this as a tax break and aleviate some of the cost on the fans. If not ticket prices would likely soar forcing fans to stay home. And you don't HAVE to use MB hydro. You could pay Saskpower to come install a line to your house if you really want! No you can't, at least not if Hydro says you can't --- C.C.S.M. c. H190 The Manitoba Hydro Act Powers of corporation with approval of L. G. in C. 16(1) With the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council the corporation may © require any person generating, transmitting, distributing, or supplying power, to supply such power to the corporation as the board may from time to time require or designate; (d) within such territorial or other limits as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may from time to time prescribe, control and regulate the development, generation, transmission, distribution, and supply, of power in Manitoba, and, for any of those purposes, control and regulate the flow of, and right to use for the generation of power, or any purpose connected therewith, the water in any lake, river, or watercourse, or other body of water in Manitoba, and the taking, diversion, storage, or pondage of any such water;
  16. Don't like it... if you ask me Manitoba Hydro and Manitoba Public Insurance should be completely disallowed from any sort of advertising that isn't DIRECTLY associated with providing information for the public good (I.E. they should only be allowed to spend money promoting something that is directly related to improving their bottom line or public safety - Hydro's stay away from power lines or energy saving tips are a good example, MPI's anti drunk driver campaigns another) What public good are they serving with this promotional money... nothing other than getting their name out there, which is irrelevant considering we have no other choice in using them. MLLC I have less of a problem with, at least they have to compete with the wine/beer stores for business (I actually don't think they should be allowed to advertise their liquor selections whatsoever since we have no other choice but to go to the MLLC for those purchases)
  17. Pencer was letting the guy in front of him have too much penetration... you weren't seeing him get blown past but it was having an effect on our running game (making the bounce outside have to go really deep/not opening a hole inside) and was letting Willis take an inside route on Knapp more easily than he should have been able to.
  18. I was thinking the same thing... sure Renaud's punts kind of sucked that game... but Shaw's punts sucked quite a bit worse (and from what I remember Edm had one decentish return all night) Stats say Renaud 290 on 7, Shaw 254 on 7.
  19. yeah hire the guy that finished even worse than us last year...nope. I'd rather give Dickenson a shot at the HC job. Definitely hire him as OC... Everywhere Cortez has gone offenses have been pretty damn spectacular. (Look at Burris this year... Austin is already starting to transition him out of the starting QB role)
  20. Ahhh lol... someone chose Fantuz last week and he threw a TD pass instead of catching one.... S.J. Green
  21. This... you literally can't use them anywhere but the O-Line... basically ANY other position that you DI can be used in multiple locations (special teams being the important consideration) I guess Kicker/Punter might be another really inefficient spot to use a DI
  22. I know someone who takes the train from Regina for all the Bomber games from Regina. You too should hook up! I wish train travel wasn't so damn expensive... it is such an enjoyable way to travel
  23. Oh man do I ever wish we had sprung for Cortez and dumped Crowton... Best move SSK made in the offseason by a longshot IMO.
  24. Max Hall might be better served by hitting his hand on a helmet in the first series and getting "injured" for the game.... It would probably clinch his place as a starter after Goltz/Boltus are injured and out for the rest of the year from the beating whomever is behind center is likely to take. That or we are going to be hearing HOLDING alot tommorrow.
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