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Everything posted by Valderan_CA

  1. Big reason I didn't get seasons this year was because there were so many Thursday home games... Captain an Ultimate team on Thursdays.... can't skip when you're the captain
  2. Tyler Thomas - Decided to bet against Hamilton this year
  3. Too early. I could actually see Howard taking January's job next season. Bombers are high on him and January isn't getting any younger. He's only 31. He's got several good years left. I find too many people here dump on January. You guys forget that the Oline needs to work as a UNIT - and with all the players coming and going the last few years here, with January being the only 'stable' lineman, he's an easy target to pick on. The guy is a multi time all star. Trust me - he's good. He had a solid game yesterday and you can bet that will only continue. Looks like we got a great pair of bookends with January and Knapp, and Neufeld in there with Greaves and Morley the centre, looks to me like our Oline is pretty solid - as solid as it's ever been in the past 10 years i would say. January never was the problem here, just the whipping boy. Gotta say Walters is looking real smart on the Neufeld trade now
  4. Bowman looked exceptional
  5. Based on the highlights it looked like Montreal's oline was pretty atrocious
  6. I'm sorry but JJ did everything this organization asked him to do and never complained publicly, ever. I think there were huge 'attitude' problems last year... once the coach visibly quit on the team and the GM vanished. The description came from Wiecek, so take that for what its worth. Considering how little Poblah and Banks have contributed to their respective clubs, this looks like a lose-lose transaction. Huh? Poblah's playing for BC. made a nice catch in the game today...
  7. It's close but I think that Bomber had started to turn his shoulders up field when he got hit (so it ended up being from the side and not abck)
  8. Lol... argos fans in TO... nice try
  9. Chad Johnson
  10. If Etienne was cut I would definitely be picking him up as a backup NI receiver. SSK has some pretty damn good NI receivers... I don't think it shows so terribly on him that he was cut (especially considering they essentially got him for free)
  11. Oh so close to getting the right Rod for the job (if only to ensure we didn't near to hear him cast anymore)
  12. Basically these guys could force Calgary to activate them and remove them from the suspended list by "reporting" - So they are choosing to be allowed to be hidden like this. However it does mean that other clubs can't talk to them
  13. I gotta say I'm surprised by the number of INT's thrown by Calgary QB's
  14. So if a guy we cut goes elsewhere, & plays much better than the guy we kept instead, it should be considered a bad thing for us? Thanks for clearing that up.How can it not be? Especially if the guy we keep isn't as good. You're welcome. Anytime.Yes he was being sarcastic, because your comment basically adds up to:"If the guy we cut ends up better than the guy we kept, then it was a mistake." Well no ****. That's how cuts work. Well actually... in this particular case if Maher plays better than Lirim it doesn't necessarily mean we made a mistake because of the ratio. Basically because we are playing NAT at kicker we don't need to play a NAT somewhere else. So we'd have to look at how much Maher plays better at the kicking position vs. how much of a dropoff we'd have at whatever position we would have to go NAT at if we kept Maher.
  15. Probably can still run circles around some guys... the man is a ******* athlete
  16. Swiston has looked pretty good when playing I'd keep him around as our 6th
  17. I've actually been equally impressed with Turner's ability to kill running plays... I have a number of distinct memories of him getting to the runner well behind the line of scrimmage
  18. No that was him... he was looking like he had potential to be the next Thigpen/(that guy from hamilton who had the labour dispute) We haven't seen a ton from him on offense as of yet... but his speed on returns means if you scheme right...
  19. That's actually the other thing Normally when I saw Hall throwing INT's while getting hit it was on missed blocks making the pressure come sooner than their protection package would have Hall expecting it to come - especially from the blind side. Not saying he wasn't at fault, but the decisions he makes while throwing the ball when he isn't getting hit are pretty damn good.
  20. That's a common theme for a QB, this being hit, and being under pressure and stuff. If what you're trying to do is defend Hall because his INT's are when he's under pressure, I don't buy it. QB's are always under some degree of pressure... it's the decision making under pressure that needs evaluating. Hall's quick release and decision making made him stand out amongst last year's QB's. This year, that's not enough. It's clear our crop of QB's has improved, and he's going to need to show more to win a job. As much as many on this board are clamoring for Hall as a backup QB because he showed capable last year... I think he's in tough. Because of poor pre-season performance (and possibly because of ties to the old regime), Hall's on the bubble. Brohm is a McManus guy, and Marve is a new regime find, and both have outplayed him to date. Not just under pressure... he doesn't throw INT's when simply "under pressure" He throws INT's when he is actively being tackled in the process of throwing the ball - He needs to do a better job of realizing he doesn't actually have enough time to finish his throwing motion before contact occurs, but his decision making otherwise is superb (he basically doesn't throw INT's where physical contact hasn't affected his throwing motion)
  21. IE. O'Shea was not happy with Halls int at the end. I finally got around to watching the game and yikes that was a poor decision to make. Eat the sack there and they might win the game. I'm glad that you are finally seeing how mediocre Hall truly is. So please no more comparisons to Ricky Ray and dropping passes into the receivers hands. Halls noodle arm and stone legs simply won't cut it. that's an interesting take on what I said.... quite frankly I think Hall looked OK until that int. I didn't see a whole lot from Brohm that would put him ahead at this point other than the fact that the int was just a brain fart and Brohm didn't make any of those this game so to me Hall is still the #2 guy but I think O'Shea is not happy with losing that game and rightly so, they gave the game away with dropped passes and sloppy tackling and other assorted mistakes. I've found that the only time Hall throws INT's are when he tries to throw as he is being hit. He threw a few like that last year and again in Calgary... Looks to me like the "noodle arm" that gets INT's thrown only comes out when he tries to throw when he should be eating a sack (or when he should've had more time to throw)
  22. Messam doesn't play Special Teams at anywhere near the level Volny plays special teams That is the main issue... Volny isn't a superb running back but at least we can have a backup running back who is an excellent special teams player. With Messam you have a change of pace running back who can't play special teams for ****.
  23. I'm guessing Newman being injured for the rest of the year basically guaranteed Maher wasn't going to make the team - we simply don't have space for an Int kicker now
  24. If he didn't hurt himself and NEVER RECOVER he might have been... it hurt us pretty bad with him down for forever and thinking he was one week from coming back for practically the entire season
  25. After 6 games the person comes off the 6 game injured list and his salary now counts against the cap unless he gets put back onto the 6 game list. Probably still the same number of people that you can pull pre-emptively off the list per season, just now if you get injured for 5 weeks you don't get screwed by being on the 9 game injured list and miss out on 4 weeks of football where you are healthy but not worth using the preemptive removal for.
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