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  1. where did you book? Any ideas on where to pre game?
  2. we are sitting section 136, where are you staying?
  3. section 136,quality inn on Victoria seemed ok
  4. We are staying at Quality Inn on Victoria, seemed like closest hotel to mosaic. sitting section 136 row 28 seats 9-10. Im the one who will be wearing a bomber jersey with AFI on the back honouring a great man. Any and all advice for regina is welcomed and appreciated.
  5. my brother and I will be driving there, staying at Quality Inn on Victoria. Any one else? Any advice for our first trip to regina for a game?
  6. Gentleman, we won!!!! Yes Durant went down but we won!!!! Let's enjoy it
  7. I truly think and have called it the curse of cal!!!!! We did a legend wrong and we are paying for it now
  8. gentleman we finally have a qb who looks above competent, i am cautiously optomistic:}
  9. I know this was meant as a joke, but surely you know that the issue isn't the "free" part. First, the service provided was essentially a shuttle service (Park and Ride), with direct routes to the stadium that aren't provided by the city's regular bus routes. Eliminating this service means people have to take a regular city bus, which from some locations is damn near impossible, and from others is extremely impractical. A system where the fans are asked to pony up the difference between what the Bombers are willing to pay and what the city is asking would be great, if it weren't for the fact that the city said a "pay" shuttle is not possible (for reasons that escape me now). It was meant as a joke... It's sorta 'funny' cuz it's true Everyone agrees that a bus service of some sort is needed. The Bombers don't want to pay for it. The city doesn't want to pay for it. The fans don't want to pay for it. Everyone seems to think it's someone else's responsibility. Bus service in the cities I've lived in (Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver, Merida) are similar. Good on some routes, bad on others, and damn near impossible on the rest. Sure, you can take the train in Calgary and Vancouver, but most people have to get to it first, which makes it the same as taking a bus to a second bus to get to the stadium. Some bars in the Canadian cities offer shuttle services to the stadium for a fee. I shake my head and sometimes do a face palm when I see how entitled folks in Winnipeg think they are. you cant honestly believe your bs of winnipegers entitlement, we want decent and more organized transit, thats not entitlement thats a tax payers right, about time our "elected officials" start serving the public instead of there own get re-elected bs. The bombers and the city had a deal and the city completely blind sided the bombers. I think miller wouldnt back down and im glad he wouldnt. Were not entitled were pissed off
  10. on the foster catch hall was contacted to head blatantly, a lot less then we did to ray. not to be a sore loser but that is ******* horrible. told a season ticket holder behind me, and he agreed, id pay an extra 10 dollars a ticket for better refs, for both teams. I can understand bad refs just sick of inconsistent garbage on both sides
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