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Everything posted by SmokinBlue

  1. Couldn't be happier to See Buck go. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out Buck.
  2. Makes it up as he goes...
  3. No it's not even close to as bad as ours, they've just been very unlucky this year, heck there has been at least two games they deserved to win but got screwed by the league.
  4. That idiotic reverse to Woods really started the downhill slide in the 2nd half.
  5. Clement was smart, got out of this circus the second he noticed all the clowns walking around.
  6. Just so happens, better players get lucky more often then garbage players.
  7. Umm yeah, Jovon has lost step basically since the start of last year, by now he's probably lost several steps. He used to be a darn good returner, but now he's useless at that. Well, the same time he became useless at returner he because a pitiful DB, both were due to the same reason, he's slow as molases now and nowhere near the calibre of a CFL DB. Not sure if his MODP award got to his head and he quit training as hard or what, but someting went seriously wrong with him. Seemed like he played his best ball when he was also on that Arena team in the offseason, probably forced him to stay in shape. He has been by far our worst DB, Suber would be next up, but at least he can stay with his man. Having said that, what good is staying with your man if you can't even make a competent effort to get yoru hand on the ball, so as far as Suber is concerned randomly flailing your arms and not looking back to the ball just doesn't cut it.
  8. Tanner Marsh is just going to get more and more comfortable, Montreal will be scary to face for any team with him back there.
  9. There is nobody in the league that throws the ball as hard as this guy.
  10. Good luck to Tanner Marsh today, imo he looks like the best new QB of the bunch this year. H'es got a cannon of an arm, Deiter Brock eat your heart out.
  11. The one were a defender broke in free and flat out missed Lulay, shoud of been a 5 yard loss? Also a couple of other hits that Lulay took that would of for sure injured Buck, one of which being on his Bomb to Arcenaux, just good for Lulay that he actually knows how to cushion a blow.
  12. Bleh o-line isn't even that bad, Buck has been making it looks worse than it is for years now, and everybody else is either inexperienced or uncomfortable and the position has been a complete merry go round. Let a half decent QB get comfortable back their and the o-line immediately looks better.
  13. He's an idiot, he has likely ruined a very promising career.
  14. Truth is too much for most people to handle i guess.
  15. No thanks, im sick of the stupid decisions this team makes.
  16. At least you have a brain and use it.
  17. Thread very ill thought out and has contradictory thought processes and stupid logic all throughout the op. So how else did you expect me to respond to this garbage.
  18. We won't even come close, expect 3-4 ints, a couple fumbles and another defensive meltdown. Also you should read your last paragraph then reread your second last paragraph.
  19. nobody has ever been as incompetent as Burke.
  20. Putting up with this garbage for as long as we have, is idiotic, heck there should of been a riot when Brink/Elliott were relased and Buck was announced the starter.
  21. The circus has reached epic proportions this last week and instead of making this better they just keep getting dumber and dumber with their decision making. It is clear Burke is the worst Head Coach the Bombers have ever had, and I hope they never get another one nearly as bad as him. As sad as it gets, the stupid decision making will never end until Burke is gone, so for the love of our team, STAY HOME next game!!! If you are compelled to go, then at the very least please bring some very nasty and/or explicit signs demanding a certain HC gets fired. Oh and when they fire Burke they better fire that sorry excuse for an offensive coordinator with him. Feel free to bring paper bags too.
  22. Yeah, that idiot has been making this stupid comments ever since he's been hired, how he was not kicked to the curb in the offseason after making comments like that as a HC is beyond me.
  23. another stupid move to add on to the list. congrats Bombers, keep going.
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