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Everything posted by SmokinBlue

  1. Have you seen Marcel's teams, the guy is no savior, far from it. All we did was hire another idiot to join the rest of the idiots.
  2. They fired the wrong guy.
  3. It's ridiculous to say he's whining, he's not whining he's down right pissed off and he has every right to be, they are screwing him just like they screwed Elliott and Brink. Such a waste of time for any developing QB to come to this joke of a franchise.
  4. Unrealistic expectations and clowns that don't realize what developing a QB is all about.
  5. crap now i have to change my lock of the week pick.
  6. This year we're starting a way past his best before date Terrence Edwards, a pereniially underacheiving Denmark, and a rookie of the year who has done absolutely nothing in Chris Matthews, then we're throwing in guys like Pierce and Anderson, and neither of them even look half as good as Etienne or Kohlert.
  7. If our QB progresses as the year moves along, who is to say we aren't better than an 8 win season?
  8. Not so sure about that, our import receivers so far this year have been as bad as I can remember.
  9. Helps that IC Khari isn't posting a new thread everytime an idea pops into his head.
  10. Jade Etienne and Jamal Richardson.
  11. Believe everything you hear or read?
  12. You should give him the respect he deserves, enough with this royal majesty crap.
  13. A shame really.
  14. Thought he looked good at training camp.
  15. That would be an epic mistake, let a pissed off ex starting QB coach the guy that just took him over, especially when the ex QB looks like hte stinks at reading defenses and reacting to tendencies to begin with.
  16. It is all on the new HC, if he tried changing Calvillo's game in any way at this point(which he obviously did), than he is an idiot and deserved to get canned. Calvillo isn't tthrowing anybody under the bus, Calvillo is a CFL Legend at this point and if he is getting messed with he deserves to be pissed.
  17. Common sense, you and Buck both lack it, it has cost our team dearly and for all we know Buck's health as well.
  18. Not even sure he was a great DC anymore, could of just been pure fluke. I mean if he's that off base with things as simple as is Buck Pierce a god awful QB, then how can he possibly get the more technical aspects of the game.Maybe his mind is going with his old age? As far as Crowton goes, much like when we brought Buck in I was pissed off when we brought Crowton in. Why in the world would we bring in a coordinator who has a god awful record in Colllege/Univerisity. Just pure stupidity. We are basically a clinic on how not to build a team, offensive coordinator with a crap record(but we hired him because he was somebody's buddy), Head Coach who doesn't have the slightest clue about anything offense related, defensive coordinator who did a horrible job last year in Hamilton but got a second chance anyway, a starting QB who not only has a pathetic injury history, but also plays like he suffers from brain damage. GM that can't recruit a returner to save his life, GM+coaching staff that hang onto star players(hello Jovon Johnson) too long despite it being crystal clear that they lost a step to the point that they can't even compete at a semi pro level anymore, never mind pro.
  19. SHEETS, K 25 140 20 0 Ouch
  20. Point is the Bombers will have no better of an onfield product with True North at the helm then they do now and it is ridiculous to assume that they will. but yeah, plz ban this guy. Obviously trolling every time he mentions Buck Pierce needing to start, anybody with half a brain could see Buck Pierce is now useless.
  21. Not like the jets will ever amount to anything either, I'll be surprised if they ever win a Stanley Cup.
  22. You would think by now a GM would be smart enough to put a clause into the contract that it only applies if you get a winning record this season.
  23. Went to Shawarmakhan's a couple times the last couple of weeks, some of the best fast food in Winnipeg.
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