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Everything posted by SmokinBlue

  1. Sure seems like the league desperately wants Dressler to succeed in his comeback.
  2. Shouldn't be tough when your team is 1-9.
  3. Not Kelly's fault Willy hasn't been playing as good now as he did earlier in the season.
  4. Collaros and Reilly, plus Glenn who has started all but 1 for BC. and Willy who will be just fine.
  5. maybe they actually got around to reviewing those games and realized they needed to actually call penalties. Or maybe the league doesn't want the Bombers in the playoffs this year for some reason. This year? I think its been a few years More likely, they just decided it was time for Saskatchewan to lose a game and Hamilton to win one.
  6. Blah, blah, blah...why do you always need to prove you were right? Blah, blah, blah...it's so exhausting. Blah, blah, blah... What's wrong with patting yourself on the back? If you make a good call, there's nothing wrong with it. Wasn't exactly going out on the limb.
  7. He couldn't even find starters let a lone depth, his record speaks for itself. Crap.
  8. Brohm heading home? After the injury to Willy & the way he played? That tells me all I need to know. To be a starting qb in the CFL takes sacrifce. And if a player isn't willing to do that, well?? I know it's tough to be away from family but the season ends in less than 2 months & Brohm has 6 months to be with them then. I think that is the wrong decision. Don't forget the players made plans three weeks back for this bye week and most likely paid for tickets etc. I doubt it's last night that he decided to go home. Good comment made by Doug Brown after the game. He said that if Dave Rictchie was the coach of this team, bye-week would be officially cancelled with Willy's injury. The team has two weeks to prepare for their next game and they will need every practice opportunity possible to get Brohm up to speed asap. Blowing off a week of preparation time on player's vacations is a missed opportunity for Brohm and the offence to get on the same page. Two on-field practices in the week before Hamilton is just not enough to get Brohm in sync. I agree whole heartedly with DB's analysis. Unfortunately for us, it is that kind of mentality over the years that led players to leave or not sign with the Bombers. They are taking the right approach.in giving the guys the bye week to go home and recharge and rejuvenate. All keeping them here would do is piss them off. That makes no sense considering we practically always give guys the bye week...
  9. So, as long as they stayed in their gaps, and made their tackles, the run defence would work….sounds about right. So, what does that tell you? I'm an O'shea fan, but this quote is like saying that if you step in front of a bus, you'll be alright if you hold your ground and don't get mushed. Really, that's what your mind comes up with? A bus fare scenario? Where does he mention bus fare?
  10. He threw into double coverage because he did not even look when he threw it.
  11. Stop posting links to his articles, I'm sorry I even clicked it and read it. Previous article calling the Bomber brass underhanded and shady and now this article calling the team lucky and not good. Just seems like his main goal is to prevent people from buying tickets, and evidently he plans on doing it with as little amount of effort as possible because his articles must not take very much effort finish off.
  12. it's not borderline anything, it is trolling. Much like roadgriller trolls with his comments an dmuch like 17to85 trolls with his i'm smarter than everybody else(they are added solely to get a reaction) comments. There is no borderline about any of it, say something you know isn't true and you know will be strongly argued against just to get a reaction out of people then and you are trolling. The more you do it, the bigger the troll you are.
  13. Agreed. Our complaining is what raised his game. He actually came over to my house with some freshly baked muffins and apologized to me for not playing the way I wanted him to. What did he bring you? Girl Guide Cookies
  14. The first game or two he wasn't tentative, then for some reason he started playing like a wuss, now because we have all called him out he is stepping his game up again.
  15. That's the dumb part, cfl is a game where you can't give the other team time to deliver one last punch. Have to work the clock smart. And willy be a liar Bryant was never open on that play.
  16. 2. Willy was fortunate that he didn't throw more interceptions IMO. Most of the catches that were being made were thrown into excellent coverage with the Bomber receivers doing an amazing job with contested catches. When Willy went to the well once too often the Rider secondary made the play. The Rider's defence demonstrated the "bend but don't break" style that so many wanted to attribute to the Bombers in this game. Once again, an exaggeration. The Rider secondary was beat, plain and simple. The ball was severely under thrown. What can be said is that the D-line forced an unbalanced throw that Willy should have eaten or thrown into the dirt. And speaking of this play, for those who were blaming Bryant for not fighting for the ball, the ball was in the air already while Bryant was streaking past the defenders. There was no way for him to stop, and get back to the ball in time. Another second for Willy…and that's a TD. actually there was hardly any pressure on willy on that play. It looked like he made up his mind to throw it there before the ball was snapped. He didn't even look if his receiver was open before throwing it and he barely even looked long enough to know where his receiver was or how well covered he was, so it's no surprise the throw wasn't even close and the ball was easily picked off. Gift to the riders through a brain dead play from willy from top to bottom. Before the ball even left his hand I was screaming nooooooooo.
  17. Wish I could laugh and pretend that was hilarious.
  18. Ford is terrible, it's even more of a surprise when he breaks a tackle than grigsby.
  19. Interesting - so they are #1 in holding in the league, then play two games (one I can see) in a row and don't get called for holding once. Put your green suit away for minute, or switch that over to the bombers. What would your comment be then? Anderson was tackled in Labour Day on his way to Durant (no call and Durant ended up with a 13 yard run to extend the game winning drive) and Pointbriand practically had his jersey ripped off off on Dressler's return for a TD in the open field, at the point of attack. If you called Glenn Johnson right now he'd admit the officials blew that one. Not saying we lost because of it - the Riders are still a better team right now, that's a fact. But as a CFL fan you should be concerned, because I'd love to hear your comments when Calgary beats you the same way and get away with holding called. If that happens, you come back to these series of games and keep your comments to yourself. Probably will happen, but it's not a competence thing, they want Calgary to win right now just like they wanted the Riders to beat us.
  20. Durant's injury looked pretty serious, shoulder held in one position by Bomber, elbow stayed stationary while forearm/hand were torqued back and down to a much farther than normal position. He'll be lucky if he's not out for a long time.
  21. Only area of concern I have is lippy media writers saying crap just to get a reaction, wish people would stop posting their articles and just boycott them already.
  22. Only area of concern I have is lippy media writers saying crap just to get a reaction, wish people would stop posting their articles and just boycott them already. Wrong article, in this one I'll just echo, Kuale sucks. How he can deny his pentalties and say crap like he was pushed into dressler when he clearly got up then purposely went back down and head butted him with no Rider player near them except Dressler. I'm sure O'Shea told him before the game he better have a good game, then he goes out and does that... He likely just cost himself his job and his career, so I feel kinda bad for him, but reallly you gotta be smarter than that.
  23. He needs to stop being a bad coach and stop blaming his players, start changing his schemes to suit the team he's playing. If the team he's playing sucks at passing and can't do anything but run, it makes sense to adjust your scheme to be a run stopping scheme for the game. Hate coaches that are too pig headed to do what's needed to win if it means changing their scheme.
  24. Wiecek the new Friesen?
  25. No kidding, don't insinuate a fix though, too many people are afraid to fault the refs.
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