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Everything posted by holoman

  1. Or do what one of my buddies suggest. Twitter chapperones. Write it out, get 2-3 people to look at it, and if it passes their standards, send it out
  2. Well crap. I got serious competition now. Don't fail me, Rogers!!! My strategy of picking guys playing the bombers are paying off
  3. There was also Marve in the huddle. That was key.
  4. Yep, Marve has a set, and Brohm has no skill.
  5. The plays will be called based on the visions he has after each line he snorts
  6. Butlers passing stats that game was comparable to Russ Michna. I'll let you chew on that for a minute
  7. Tori Gurley
  8. The longer O'shea keeps Bellefeuille, the longer this thread should be bumped
  9. I'd complain why this team is unprepared yet again.
  10. I've already given up winning at LDC. nothing good happens there
  11. Not original, but.. The Sask Roughriders are in serious danger of losing their team website...they're having trouble stringing 3 W's together. I'll take that. I haven't heard that one before
  12. That's my number one priority when watching a football game
  13. Ugh, can people come up with an original bad football team joke?
  14. Getting a top caliber QB isn't going to help that defence.
  15. While Durants salary won't count against the cap I heard he had a sizeable bonus that will
  16. Rod comes across as a guy that would appear totally shocked if you told him there are places and things outside of Saskatchewan.
  17. Terrence Tolliver
  18. Riders are only 8500 days short to catch up to your last grey cup win. Touché. Hardly... More the right thing to say would be "shots fired" I guess. 'cept the Riders are shooting blanks
  19. Why do you say that? Before he was drafted, he said it was his lifelong dream to play for the Bombers.You think the Riders 0-6 start to the season has made him fall in love with Regina? I've heard he was looking forward to playing and living elsewhere after spending his whole life here, at least for the first few years of his career anyways.Where did you hear this? Not from a reliable source. Demski has said that he would love to start and end his career in Winnipeg
  20. I only started watching CFL 2 or 3 years after this, and I would have been 5 at the time. Unfortunately I don't recall this game.
  21. Chamblin on the post game show had already said the grey cup is already lost
  22. Barker isn't trading Ray anytime soon unless someone (Taman) is willing to deal a starting INT, and NAT , a few draft picks, and a left nut.
  23. This thing is, if Gary was 100% wrong, there wouldn't have been any meetings or pressers. Most likely scenario, Taman asked permission to fire Chamblin, BOD said no, Taman addresses media and says Chamblin is there for the year,. For the Year is the key wording.
  24. yeah what the hell was that about? All the Stamps had to do was down the ball and run out the clock, and instead they do this weird back pass thing - what would have happened if Fuller had missed the ball and it had bounced around in the end zone? Montreal could have jumped on it and scored a TD. I don't get it. There was still time on the clock even if they downed the ball. In all seriousness, that was the best play available to do. If they punt it, Logan could have taken it back...again.
  25. True that - but regardless, when are WE going to start getting our own quarterbacks and not have to rely on other teams castoffs. Don't forget, for every Willy there's a Lefors, Glenn, Brohm, TJ Rubley, etc. Not that I wish ill will on Willy - though I still need to see him playing in October like he is now before I anoint him the next Bomber QB - I would just like to see us recruit and develop our own Qb for once. If/when Willy goes down again, we got nothing. That's the most frustrating part about Brohm... 31 year old journeyman is not 'developing' anything. Would much rather see Marve and Davis as 2 and 3 with a young talent at 4th Your number 2 guy is not for developing. Although I get your point, if we are developing Marve, 3rd string it is
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