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Everything posted by holoman

  1. At first I would call BS, however given the recent layoffs, it wouldn't totally shock me
  2. offsides are the least of his problems.
  3. If Durant is the Riders starter next year, after back to back season ending injuries, the wrong people are in charge in Saskatchewan.
  4. Paul Swiston looks out of place
  5. We "found" Marve. We didn't bother bringing in anyone really this season as our depth chart was essentially set. The guys the riders brought in are horrid. edmontons finds have been looking pretty decent, not going to lie. Ditto Harris in Toronto. Trevor Harris has been with Argos since 2012
  6. Garza. Sammy ******* Garza.Was that the son in law?You guys aren't even scratching the surface.Mark Jackson (back-up to Deiter Brock) Troy Kopp (minus 30 minutes vs Saskatchewan) Stefan LeFors Keithan McCant and the two biggies: T J Rubley Tee Martin While I don't remember stats, McCant as a starter was successful while both Dunnigan and Garza were hurt
  7. All these pages and nobody's mentioned their favorite wrestler, but super Dave and Wayne & Shuster get some love.
  8. Owen Six will sign with the Riders after this weekend
  9. in his defence he was working on that with those 10 yard one hoppers
  10. A c leonard
  11. I don't normally over react like this but I don't see this team improving under him. Hanging his hat on too many people that haven't performed like Brohm,Bellefeuille
  12. He was paired with Suitor until 2005 when Cuthbert came over after the NHL strike
  13. ADarius Bowman
  14. Dan Goodspeed and John Feugill
  15. While I won't applaud a cheap hit or tactic, what I will applaud is bringing a bit of a nasty attitude that's been lacking at the position for awhile.
  16. There's no chance that will happen... even if he goes 5, 6, 7 consecutive games with a punt return TD... teams will just stop giving him the opportunity... Then he'll run off the field and sulk about it while the game continues.
  17. Mike Sims walker
  18. yep September 2009
  19. Mike Kelly 2.0 Not even close.
  20. I believe Chris Garrett and Johnny Sears came to us mid to late 2010
  21. My point was that even though it didn't cost us the game it could have. I just wanted other peoples opinions as to whether or not they felt it was in and what other options they can do to get the call right if they were wrong. Even if this wasn't a Bomber game I would have brought it up. Its just odd they didn't say they were reviewing it (even though they usually do) and seemingly just went to the pt after. Maybe they had a perfect camera view we didn't see and it was a quick review. Maybe they just said F it and gave them the TD to move the game along as they just finished burning 20min back and fourth with penalties I'm just pointing out the one angle that we are able to see and even with the skewed camera angle it doesn't look in. Don't get me wrong I'm happy with the outcome and hate to be bringing it up. But would a stationary camera on the goal line help in these situations? In my opinion, it wasn't in. In these type of situations it might be good for officials to huddle before coming to a conclusion. The ref immediately signaled a TD. If that was due to assuming he was in, or he saw something completely different, we won't know, but i"m glad it didn't ruin the outcome.
  22. I'm not sure which camera had the best angle but as Jacquie said there wasn't one that proved that it did not cross.
  23. So much this. It was ruled a TD, and there wasn't visible evidence to overturn
  24. I think this is true in general right now. Its happening on offence too. Tiny infractions un doing big plays when they were miles away and had no actual impact on the play. I'll get flamed for this I know, but. .....if the play is far away, why is the player committing the infraction? If the ball is 10 yards overthrown then why the need to interfere?
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