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Everything posted by holoman

  1. Anticpated that George Cortez will be the OC
  2. Cause it matters so much considering it's ******* december.....smh Just goes to show the rampant dysfunction that still exists in the Bomber front office. Power struggle for a month and a half over firing a coordinator. Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle? That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that. Kirk Penton reported a couple weeks ago there was a power struggle. Other media since reported the same. He didn't report it. I remember his tweet, it was more of a tongue in cheek comment based on another source/tweet.
  3. No you don't! You're right. I'm going to go back and sit in the corner.
  4. Which would make sense, but I like to be argumentative
  5. I'm confused by this. Today is the 16th? And I wouldn't automatically say a 2nd year backup 4th rounder would necessarily get a bonus.But what's the significance of the 15th? Someone posted or tweeted that Dec 15 is the date where contracts must be signed if the team wants that bonus money to count towards the current years cap.And here's what Cameron told me on Twitter: @Darren_Cameron: @garrettbillan1 appreciate it. And yes, it was done by Dec 15. Which is funny cause his blog indicates it was in the midst of being done today.
  6. That's not what Korey Banks said
  7. Really?!? There are girls posting here regularly and some of us are nerds.Yes, Amy.......
  8. Saw a rack full of Grigsby jerseys in the corner. Insert 'painted into a corner' jokes here.
  9. You're correct. It was his wife. Marcus Brady was his fill-in. Jim Popp was the HC Robert Edwards led the CFL with 17 TDs Montreal was the only team with 2 - 1000 yd receivers - Kerry Watkins and Ben Cahoon. Bombers had 3...Armstrong, Edwards, and Stegall
  10. Not sticking up for Banks here but its a good idea to look at it from both ways.... Sure Leggett and Anderson re-upped and may have no prob with Etch. Maybe they had no questions and just followed along. But Banks as a leader and vet may have felt he had questions about things that maybe rookies might of asked him and he wanted to have answers and help. I'm under the impression Korey Banks was brought here…for that exact reason..for the experience and passing on veteran knowledge. Seems like a no-brainer. But somewhere, somehow, things went astray, and we only have KB's version of his "asked-a-question-things-went-sideways-they-don't-respect-me-things-went-to-hell" story. I'd back Banks up on his account, if I could believe his version of on-line moans and his line of credibility, but it seems it's not the first time he has "trashed" a former employer. He is right about one thing though…he's done with football. True enough. Im just trying to look at things from both sides i guess. Etch was put out of the CFL for some reason tho. Its not like he was this highly touted DC with huge respect around the league. One could argue that these guys signed due to being told Etch would be canned.
  11. They also worked together at Cal too. Ya I may have misunderstood the tweets referring to Cal, and assumed it was Stampeders. I assume you guys are talking about some other American team? IN 1992-97 he was the OC/QB coach in Fresno state, and 2002-2012 he was with the California Golden Bears. Cortez was only there for one year, in 2006
  12. Let's take the DC out of the equation. If a veteran player is asked to play more of a "mentor-back up role" by any coach, on any team, and he feels he can still play the game, why would he not accept that role…and play his way back onto a roster? There have been many instances where a player is asked to do just that…and he does it, all for the good of the team - you know, the reason why he's still employed and given another chance. That's a leader…and I would venture to say, a reason why he was brought here in the first place. Hell we can look at this past season for a couple examples. Alex Suber got hurt in preseason and lost his spot on the roster to a new guy playing well. We didn't hear a peep out of the guy about being unhappy and he didn't throw any hissy fits and quit, just showed up to practise and eventually got traded. Or Johnny Sears, got hurt, couldn't get back on the roster for ratio reasons. No bitching and moaning or quitting, just practised hard and waited for his chance to get back on the roster then played so well they couldn't take him out again. Part of being a football player is the professional part. Everyone on that team feels like they should be a starter, sometimes you have to put the team ahead of yourself and just work harder to get what you want. Sure but you think Sears is going to re-sign here after the way they treated him? No way. Unless Walters and company did him in like Nancy Kerrigan, I'm curious how they treated him to the point where he wouldn't re-sign?
  13. ? Take away all the receivers and the quarterback's passes all fall incomplete... That's stupid, the defensive backs would intercept most of them! I'm double stupid, they'd all be flagged for intentional grounding. But you can review pass interference though
  14. ? Take away all the receivers and the quarterback's passes all fall incomplete... That's stupid, the defensive backs would intercept most of them! Take the DB's out of the equation then
  15. They should have had a presser to announce this
  16. I sense the sarcasm... What I don't get is why offer him a different position? And if he does take a lesser role, what DC would go there knowing the prior DC is just sitting there waiting for you to fail?
  17. A crap load of Riders on that list. Suffice to say, that team will look really different next year.
  18. Other than a core of complainers here that I've read the fanbase in general is staying patient. Other than a core of blue & gold koolaid drinkers here who'd jump off a cliff if Walters told them to, 3 fans wants to know what's going on. Fixed
  19. What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference. I'd rather they be working, myself. They had a presser at the beginning of November, and people thought it was pointless. Now the same people want the same presser, just a month later?
  20. It's official. Cortez's contract will not be renewed
  21. Should be noted that Mitchell said that Lemon has no interest for other CFL teams other than Calgary
  22. Guess he was not tired after that run. Its that comment that makes me not want him on my team, regardless of talent.
  23. Not defending Etch, but if one gets a mulligan, the other should. Lets not forget Kuale playing LB which is the equivalent of a crappy o-line. Lets not forget as well as Wild was lost for a good chuck of the season, as well as Zack Anderson going down. Our sack total just stopped once he was gone.
  24. It should be mandatory that you try to break it and if you can't, you forfeit it to the other team.
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