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Everything posted by holoman

  1. I talked to Jim Mullin, who covers the CIS, he seems to think the same thing
  2. The irony of the cup final? Rider fans are up in arms due to the eventual mentions Cornish will get this week. They obviously forgot the circle jerk the Riders and their fans received last year.
  3. On an interim basis, possibly, but not as a full time role...Not a chance.
  4. Sadly, I do miss posters like Jetque, primtime aka kamaufan (jeff)
  5. How much is Picard earning right now? I believe some of their big earners are pending FAs too ... like Foley. The Riders actually apparently got Foley on a very reasonable deal. He'll be do for a raise if they bring him back. They'll have a lot of tough decisions to make this off season,it'll be very interesting to see what happens in Riderville. Foley will not be a FA this year. He signed an extension about a month ago, it just hasn't been officially announced yet. I am not sure why because everyone knows about it already....except Lawless, I guess. With Foley, You never know. Ask the B.C Lions.
  6. But ...But.. But...He had the same injury as Doug Flutie
  7. Migs on twitter was still insufferable.
  8. Never give facts to Rider fans. It's in a completely different world than the delusional one that they live in
  9. Next season the Bombers win those games. I'm confident Bombers win at least 9-10 games next season. Could've won them this year too. We were outplayed at the QB position - rest of the team played well enough to win those games. Durant in 3 games vs WPG 13 for 21 for 115 yards 14 for 26 for204 yards 8 for 9 77 yards Hardly sounds like stats from somebody that outplayed anybody Um, 8 for 9 is pretty good, but he got hurt remember? Sunseri came in - check his stats out. I won't argue - I really don't care. It's an opinion forum and it's my opinion, right or wrong. We'll see more next year and hopefully Willy will be better but I still like Marve. yeah, 8 for 9 is good...for 77 yards!!!!! Again, hardly sounds like he outplayed anybody...If you're too lazy to find stats to back up your own argument, I'll do it for you. Sunseri was 2 for 5 for 30 yards... so combined stats were 10 of 14 for 107 yards.....in 4 quarters of play. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have posted it. Yes this is a forum with opinions, but If you're going to run and hide like that, you lose credibility
  10. Next season the Bombers win those games. I'm confident Bombers win at least 9-10 games next season. Could've won them this year too. We were outplayed at the QB position - rest of the team played well enough to win those games. Durant in 3 games vs WPG 13 for 21 for 115 yards 14 for 26 for204 yards 8 for 9 77 yards Hardly sounds like stats from somebody that outplayed anybody
  11. I think Etch would be the first to go over Bellefeuille. A young QB like Willy to go through 2 Offensive coordinators in 2 seasons is not exactly the best way to go.
  12. I wouldn't have asked if O'shea's job was safe, but as douchey as Weicek can be, those questions seem to be fair. I, as a fan, would love to know how Walters thought he, the coach he hired, the first round draft pick and his key free agents did.
  13. http://www.bluebombers.com/live-press-conference I'll be working so I wont be able to listen live, but maybe some points from the presser can be laid out in this thread
  14. If you're a top O-lineman, you'd almost be crazy to NOT test the FA waters. I'm with Mike...The Riders will lose someone they don't want to, but it wont be Heenan.
  15. All things being equal, a CFL starter ought to win a Grey Cup every eight or nine years, so Allen won them at a pretty good clip. I'm trying to think of guys who did better in Grey Cups than Allen: Moon, obviously, went 5-0 in Grey Cups over six seasons, though he didn't start in two of those wins. Flutie was 3-1 in eight seasons. Ray has gone 3-1 in twelve seasons, not counting 2014. Calvillo was 3-5 in twenty seasons. McManus was 3-2 in seventeen seasons, but had only garbage time in the 1990 win and came off the bench for the 1994 win. He played a hell of a game in the '96 loss though. I think I agree with the people who are saying that Damon Allen that he was a B+ QB with an A+ career. But if I had to choose a starter for a Grey Cup game, it'd be a tough call between him, Ray, Flutie, or Moon. And Moon and Flutie had stacked teams for their wins. Allen won the Grey Cup with good teams, but never dominating ones. Fixed
  16. I'm trying to find this 'personal' comment you speak of
  17. How do you know? Got a personal sit-down with Kyle Walters and Mike O'Shea? And what would you expect them to say if he did? Booker has been an upgrade and a pleasant surprise. And that's what happens when you give a guy you believe in more than one game worth of reps. You keep implying we should have some kind of revolving door where we try guys out and if they fail to excel, we move on to the next one. That's not how any sensible manager of people works. Hickman and especially Booker have shown good things. Those were guys who came after the NFL cutdown period. Exactly what you were crying for, so at least be bothered to acknowledge it. Well, it used to be. Too bad the CFL doesn't have what it used to have called a 5 Day Trial. A player comes in & has 5 practices to impress or he's gone. I can name you so many players who came into the CFL in mid season after NFL Cutdown Day who ended up being stars up here starting as 5 Day Trials. Too bad we can't do that anymore. Like I said, competition brings out the best in players. And I wasn't "crying". I was make a point of discussion. That is what we do around here isn't it? Dan Kepley, Willard Reaves, John Hufnagel, George McGowan, James Murphy, Jeff Boyd, Willie Burden, Jay Washington, Tom Burgess & Kent Austin are guys I remember for sure that came in for 5 Day Trials & played for years. The CFL did away with the 5 Day Trials over 20 years ago. And why do you talk down to people you don't like or agree with? The other mods have sent out PMs to people here asking to show more respect & what do you do??? Oh & one more thing, I don't know what I did to piss you off but if you want us members to have decorum around here & respect other people then practice what you preach & do the same, Mike. Be a leader as a mod & set an example.
  18. When has Etcheverry's system been strong against the run? If it took teams 7 weeks to figure that out, it says more about them
  19. Yes, a roll of duct tape would share the team lead for receiving touchdowns... (place all the eye rolls here) But there's so many useful things we can do with duct tape...
  20. Well that was quick! I guess Max Halling one of your top receivers gets you promoted to starter against the best team in the league.
  21. But thats not what they asked or said that pissed him off, seriously dude,, the cjob reporter on the sidelines keith mccullough or whatever his name is tweeted something he thought o'shea said when o'shea actually didn't say it... Wouldn't that piss you off too? If not then you haven't been paying much attention to how O'shea operates. Wont throw players under the bus and the tweet the CJOB reporter sent out implied that Oshea threw Lirim under the bus when in fact he didn't. The tweet is gone now too so what does that tell you exactly? McCullough was dead wrong. Otherwise the tweet would still be there for all to see. Oshea spent 15 seconds talking about that tweet and hasn't since. Done and Done. And I dont think he should have spent any time responding to it. Why was it a priority for this team that he was showed a "tweet" immediately after the game? I'm not sure he was showed the tweet. From the final gun to the actual interview, there were a ****load of people that he would have encountered that may have brought it up. Doesn't Keith do the sidline report for CJOB? He might have actually asked him on his way back to the locker room I suspect he was lurking near the Bomber bench and probably heard the exchange between Lriam and O'Shea and just condensed it to fit the twitter format. O'Shea was probably most upset because he considered that a private moment not for public consumption. Fair point. The fact that it was deleted could mean a) He was called on it and it was plain wrong, or not wanting to soil the relationship between CJOB and the Bombers.
  22. But thats not what they asked or said that pissed him off, seriously dude,, the cjob reporter on the sidelines keith mccullough or whatever his name is tweeted something he thought o'shea said when o'shea actually didn't say it... Wouldn't that piss you off too? If not then you haven't been paying much attention to how O'shea operates. Wont throw players under the bus and the tweet the CJOB reporter sent out implied that Oshea threw Lirim under the bus when in fact he didn't. The tweet is gone now too so what does that tell you exactly? McCullough was dead wrong. Otherwise the tweet would still be there for all to see. Oshea spent 15 seconds talking about that tweet and hasn't since. Done and Done. And I dont think he should have spent any time responding to it. Why was it a priority for this team that he was showed a "tweet" immediately after the game? I'm not sure he was showed the tweet. From the final gun to the actual interview, there were a ****load of people that he would have encountered that may have brought it up. Doesn't Keith do the sidline report for CJOB? He might have actually asked him on his way back to the locker room
  23. Can't remember who posted it but I read Rob Bagg for Matt Nichols is in the works
  24. McKinnon and Thompson for sure. I'm not 100% sold on the other two though. "What's up with that" was good stuff. This year is Thompson's last. I disagree. Keenan's still living off his knuckle puck role in the Mighty Ducks movies
  25. Who isn't winning the GreyCup? Saskatchewan. I realize this is the inevitable first step towards what will become a locked thread. They have a pretty good team that will not win the cup this year because their starting QB is gone for the season. Winnipeg also won't win the cup this year. We have a pretty good team that is missing talent in a few areas and depth in a lot of areas. These aren't insults. They are assessments devoid of rivalry issues. The trade? A 3rd rounder in 2015 has comparable value to a second rounder in 2014. Teams that have lots of assets can afford to make moves like that. If the Bombers did that I'd be concerned. Easy to shrug it off when these picks don't have any names attached to them yet, but come draft day there will be some sting felt by their absence. I'd shrug it off, as it is a depth move. Saskatchewan has some holes on the roster that are covered up by the dominance of the defensive line and the running game. This move doesn't solve this.
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