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Everything posted by holoman

  1. I want to know more about this connection Etch had with AKAchip
  2. HEY! whiffing on a tackle is indeed a 'play'
  3. I really like what Walters has done during the off season. Improvements at every position (QB a ???, I know), but I don't like the look of our receiving group.
  4. I got 7/10.
  5. Thats what happens when you date a red head
  6. He took a lot of bad penalties last year. I sit behind the Bombers bench at home games and recall a few time Creehan screaming at Gilmore for his penalties. Creehan yelled at everybody
  7. I do see the only players that are venting on twitter seem to be from the Stamps. Not sure if that says a lot about the owners.
  8. Stamps traded a conditional pick for Dee Webb and Signed former Lion and Argo Lin-J Shell.
  9. I don't know where I read it, but I like the idea of raising the cap to 5 mill but QB's would be exempt.
  10. This may destroy the momentum the league had but the fans will be back. Unlike other leagues, fans can sympathize with both sides, especially the players.
  11. I'd be shocked if any of the Bombers O-linemen were his best man.
  12. Ask Pee Wee Herman. Anytime is a good time for a good stroke
  13. bad journalsim
  14. For his anti gay comments on twitter. His tweets have since been deleted. What is more interesting is the twitter battle between REDBLACKS safety Eric Fraser and Ken Yon Rambo regarding the tweets
  15. I don't think positioning was a huge issue with Cauchy. The safety should be physical, and he was not.
  16. For once I agree. Who cares? Evidently...you do
  17. Etch is similar to Greg Marshall where his defenses have these fabulous starts in the first third of the season before tailing off afterwards once all the other teams catch on to what you're doing. What Defensive co-ordinator ISN'T like that though?Defences usually outshine the offence the first 3rd of the season.
  18. Bauman is a POS receiver. I saw what he did in Calgary when he got on the field with the Stamps between injuries & it was virtually nothing. He also was paid a 6 figure salary. You think the Bombers should pay Bauman that? I don't. He's a CFL draft bust now with 3 teams. We'd have been better off to keep Jade Etienne if we sign this dude. At 6 figures, no chance. I'm surprised to hear he was making that much with that Stamps. Is that a confirmed figure?? And did he actually get on the field? Can't remember ever seeing him play this season. 6 figures with the Stamps? no. He was injured at the beginning of the season and didn't heal until after labour day. Not sure if he saw the field after that but he didn't obtain any stats.
  19. I did.The monetary loss may not be that huge considering that certain tickets went up in price.
  20. Welcome to Morningbigblue.com Bobby The Brain Heenen
  21. Bauman wanted to be here in 2011, but judging from what I heard, he wasn't willing to take the "hometown" discount.
  22. Impaired is impaired, I have absolutely 0 tolerance for people driving when they are not in the right mindset. Too many people can't drive properly at the best of times get the **** heads who take mind altering substances off the road entirely and we're all safer for it. It's this attitude that "pot is fine I can drive" that is the worst thing. If people want it leagalized going to have to be responsible about it.have you ever driven after a joint? Toke off a pipe? No?? Shocking that you still have an opinion about it tho..A drunk driver sees double, is slower then molasses and has a superman complex behind the wheel.. A stoned driver drives the speed limit (thinks hes speeding while doing so) is overly cautious and paranoid everyone is going to plow into them... Essentially an elderly driver.. This is from personal experience and from watching idiot friends... but i can guarentee you that a drunk driver is much MUCH more dangerous then a stoned one.. Which is pretty much the point 17to85 was making. If you're going to consume any substance that will change your mindset, the last thing you should be is behind a wheel.
  23. Farhan Lalji says it may affect his position, but he will likely still go first round
  24. I heard the Riders and Raiders are having a Joint news conference.
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