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Everything posted by holoman

  1. Very true, however ( I don't have actual number) you're not dealing with 2 or 3 people, and asking a lot of people to uproot their families seems unfair.
  2. I somewhat agree, but like Logan said, doing more could have been too much.
  3. Want more Spelling Bees?? TSN 5 Make way for the Rod Black documentaries..TSN 4
  4. What may be a good idea would be questions relayed to the official beforehand through e-mail/text, etc. so they could sort through them and 20 minutes after the game they could record the answer and post on the cfl.ca
  5. I'm like 99.99% sure they don't mean they're going to stand by their car afterwards and answer questions that fans may have as they walk through the parking lot. It would be during a post game presser for media only. you don't sound too confident.
  6. It's all about expectations. If you expect 30,000 people to move fast within 5 minutes, your life must suck.
  7. If it came to that resort where a draft pick was lost, but that team had already traded away the pick, I guess the next best thing would be to have the team forfeit the next best available pick
  8. nah, make it something truly painful: They have to sit and listen to Iso and Nate talk about how everything WBB was great in 1965, Osborne Stadium was better than anything currently in the league, and that they wore onions on their belt... Well, Noeller. At least I've seen the Bombers win a Grey Cup unlike you. I never went to Osborne Stadium as that was before my time. By the pictures I've seen, it looked like an interesting place, though. I was born in 1980...I've seen 3, ftr...still have the 1990 penant on my wall. I want a new one... Yeah, but no way that at 10 you were the fan you are now at 33 or 34. Great you have a 1990 pennant. You can't tell me that a GC victory by the Bombers wouldn't be a hugely emotional thing for you if they won now. Bigger than 1990 for you. I've been there, done that. But if I talk more about it, I'll have to bring in Nate to describe what the feeling is like when your team wins when you actually care. Noeller, just giving you the gears, man.... Keep in mind, the Bombers in 1990 not only did they win the cup, it was their 3rd in 6 years, so there was almost an expectation of not only appearing in the big game, but one of winning it as well.
  9. league pays for playoff bonuses not teams. They are over the cap because they spent too much on player salaries plain and simple. Player contracts can also have bonus clauses for the playoffs. They could, but if the league pays them, why insert them in a contract? Most contracts have bonuses in regards to games played or something with regards to stats.
  10. January isn't a NI
  11. Whenever there's a major shakeup, especially after a crappy season, there's almost always a guarantee of an improvement. Other than Ottawa, no other team will be facing that kind of facelift. My expectations would be 7-11 but in the west, we would be hard pressed to make the playoffs.
  12. Remember the times Reinbold and Kelly hand picked certain players for his system.... Both players and systems were popular in the 80's
  13. My thoughts exactly
  14. Is that the new method for evaluating talent? Well, when you're a DB it is... no? Cuz one DB is the reason why a team gets blown out. And if he is stuck with a group of crappy secondary players then obviously he too must suck? By that rule of thumb, brendan labatte has to suck because he was on our horrible o-line... Wait, hes arguably one of the best guards in the league? Nooo way.. Well hopefully for Kris Robertson it doesn't mean it ALL the time... But, yeah, when you're not the best player on the D and the D sucks, its not great. It's not a glowing endorsement, but by no means does it mean he's terrible.
  15. Yeah I didn't like the penalties either, but Countless sacks that could have turned the game around > the few penalties that maintained the opposition's momentum.
  16. Licenses or not, companies will pay to have advertisements played during certain stations programming. My issue with the call in show, is that it's evident that the call screener as no idea what he or she is doing.
  17. He was Buck Pierce
  18. You suggested we take all judgment out of it and then suggested we penalize "unfair disruptions" Fair / not fair is always a judgment call. The problem is PI is all about judgement.... Define the rule more clearly where there's no grey area, and there's no need for video review.
  19. Ask Alex brink or Murray Clarke wether looking at an illegal hit will automatically draw a flag.
  20. I doubt that would work. Bomber season ticket holders will get first opportunity at their seats for the Grey Cup and I assume Jets season ticket holders will get first opportunity at the outdoor Jets game. Obviously there probably would be a strategic plan in place where the window would close where STH for both teams to purchase the tickets for either/or. Once that passes, I image a 2 for 1 sale would go well.
  21. but to answer your question....2010 was the last time we started with 2 straight home games.
  22. Jim Bell wasn't in charge of the stadium project and I don't recall him making statements like Buchko did about the stadium being ready for the 2012 season which is where most of the criticism of Buchko stems from with respect to IGF. IMO Buchko does take more blame than he deserves but that doesn't mean that Bell is to blame either. Bell gave the date of 2012 when the project originally started, hence why the 2011 Eastern Final was dubbed "the last game at Canad inns". Buchko was named CEO 4 months later. But that was a BoD decision. Of which Bell had a role with, no?
  23. Jim Bell wasn't in charge of the stadium project and I don't recall him making statements like Buchko did about the stadium being ready for the 2012 season which is where most of the criticism of Buchko stems from with respect to IGF. IMO Buchko does take more blame than he deserves but that doesn't mean that Bell is to blame either. Bell gave the date of 2012 when the project originally started, hence why the 2011 Eastern Final was dubbed "the last game at Canad inns". Buchko was named CEO 4 months later.
  24. Stadium fiasco and Jim Bell go hand in hand, and yet nobody says a thing about him
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