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Everything posted by holoman

  1. Our coaching staff would resemble a group of glorified backups in case the young ones don't pan out.
  2. I think his public comments towards the Argos had more to do with him being fired than him doing away with those games.
  3. All of Glenn's bonuses (if there was more than one) have been paid out
  4. Not a bad addition. Considering who they have in that position, its an instant upgrade.
  5. It's funny, After reading this, I'm feeling a little more optimistic about the coaching/scouting staff
  6. I think him being hidden under by Popp's brilliance just completely overshadowed his flaws.
  7. think so? was he known as a "Burke guy"? I wonder what the transit system is like in Toronto. Would they notice all the Argos under all the buses that Burke throws them under?
  8. Move back to Winnipeg, then you can just drive by If only life was that simple. It is...Quit making it complicated
  9. Under Etcheverry's defence....They'll all play the D line
  10. I think this says it best. He has experience with QBs and Marcel's system. He's not running running an offence just coaching young QBs within the system.
  11. 1988...I'll assume that was a typo lol
  12. That's also the QB I'd like to bring back Course he's in his 60's now so he doesn't scamble and throw on the run as well ... seems to be a pattern since this guy
  13. That does make sense except when you stop to consider that NFL teams carry 20 assistants yet the message on the good teams doesn't get muddled or confused. As far as preventing any confusion, it's up to the HC to make sure all lines of conmunication are clear & open. if there is confusion then he has to take responsibility for that. How can an OC who is busy calling plays & coordinating his offense on game day have the time needed to coach up his qbs or help them if they need it on the sidelines? He can't. Maybe if your qb is Ricky Ray he doesn't need any help but not Max Hall. Sad how the veteran Ray had a dedicated qb coach but the rookie Hall didn't. The most important position on the the team with 3 young qbs that had little or no playing experience & Tim Burke didn't think it was important enough to have a dedicated qb coach. Or perhaps it was Joe Mack who wouldn't let him hire one. We'll never know about that one. The Bombers always take the cheap route so it doesn't surprise me if Mack or BOD felt that they could get by with 1, 2 or 3 less coaches than anyone else just to save a few bucks. We can only hope those days are finally over. Some coaches prefer as much as possible for the purpose of maintaining focus on game planning,etc... 2013 failures for the Blue had to do with the quality of coaches and not the quantity.
  14. It depends on what position he's assigned to
  15. The moment Mack was fired was the "clean Break". Everything else afterwards was just inevitable.
  16. cmon give the guy a chance. let see what he got during TC. I'm not talking about his OC talents...I'm talking about his crappy recruits he got them to bring in. Boltus was one...there was another one from Hamilton. A WR...I can't remember his name. You must mean Aaron Kelly, who was nothing short of amazing for us down the stretch. He was plenty short of amazing. Odd how a few highlight reel grabs equate to people thinking he was amazing. Prorating his stats over 18 games would've given him a grand total of less than 650 yards. He gets the benefit of the doubt for being more familiar with Bellefeuille's offense and that is pretty much the reason why he looked to surpass all the other receivers save for Denmark.
  17. I've learned to never bet against Wally. He has a knack of turning terrible teams into contenders at the flip of a switch.
  18. If you're a personal trainer, then yes I can see where the problem lies if one of your clients is constantly using an electronic device, but if you're just a normal gym rat, why would me being on my phone (texting, listening to music,etc..) bother you?
  19. My Favorite tweet of the day was Mike telling Glenn, his twitter wouldn't be hacked if he didn't have the password "ottawaSucks"
  20. Nobody is going after Sheets. NFL or Saskatchewan are his options, he's made that clear. I wouldn't be surprised if a GM actually offered a crap load of money and pray, or simply just to drive up the price,.
  21. From that tweet, it sounds like he's speaking regarding the uncomfortable notion of certain guys in the NFL not wanting to walk around naked any longer. But thats just me, it's up for interpretation. Shouldn't have been sent to begin with.
  22. It appears the Newman deal has fallen through. Winnipeg media on twitter are happy
  23. I get the feeling that the Winnipeg media doesn't even try to be informative. When O'Shea was hired, Pention of all people, tried to sneak in a question about Collaros even though he was under contract to the Argos at that time.
  24. Isn't his last name Wallace?
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