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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. January is another guy I hope we don't see back next year.
  2. Or maybe because he's a mediocre injury prone player?
  3. An injury prone player will never be needed.
  4. He may not be an MOP candidate much longer, but its completely insane to expect the reigning MOP who is a Canadian to be out of the league next year.
  5. Guys like Nick Moore & Neufeld being injury prone is extremely disappointing.
  6. Ford doesn't return punts either strictly kick offs.
  7. And until the last couple of weeks how many of those were made? He waited far too long to make changes.
  8. I should be surprised that people are turning on Willy so fast considering our QB last year was Max freaking Hall but sadly I'm not.
  9. . What does that say about Ricky Ray and his zero MOP awards in 12 years or so?
  10. He wasn't available. He was protected. Teams could only protect one QB and there's no way the Stamps protected Tate over Mitchell. And if they had there's no way the RedBlacks would have taken Glenn over Mitchell. Mitchell was protected not Tate. The redblacks picked Glenn. I think Huff was hoping that Ottawa would take Tate instead of Glenn.
  11. It's a shame how big of a disappointment he is with all these injures. Our offense was significantly better with a number one receiver in the lineup/
  12. It was nice to see Cotton have a good game. The majority of us preferred him to Grigsby coming out of camp, including the Bombers coaching staff.
  13. Of course. But with the Grey Cup here expectations are going to be higher than just being a .500 team whether or not that's fair.
  14. I'm just hoping that the game is worth watching and not one where I'm contemplating going home at half time.
  15. There's no way Tate fetches that kind of return. The max Tate gets you is the same first BC gave up for Glenn.
  16. I'm a little surprised that Chad Anderson never got a shot.
  17. I'm more concerned about Brohm proving himself to be a competent backup and not like other slugs around the league such as Sunseri and Beck. Looking decent in garbage time last week doesn't do much for me. I have a bad feeling that he's going to get eaten alive tonight.
  18. That starting offense is all sorts of bad. What an ugly looking lineup.
  19. We're going to get absolutely slaughtered even with Willy, it'll be extremely ugly with Brohm in the lineup.
  20. This is correct. If correct, doesn't the same thing apply to Grigsby? We released Grigsby before the deadline.
  21. January has been horrific this year and has zero trade value at this point in time.
  22. Chad Simpson was extremely overrated.
  23. We all knew that Canadian depth and the O-line were a work in progress and was at least a two or three year job. It's the lack of American depth that is particularly troubling to me.
  24. Collaros and his slow release would get completely dismantled behind our line.
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