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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Whether or not Kuale plays next week will be a real good indicator if guys are being held accountable IMO.
  2. He needs to see the film is what he said about almost everything. He should be with Burke Burke would of declared that Drew WIlly will never throw another pass for us after those interceptions.
  3. i don't know but if i had to guess, his veteran presence. Probably a good locker room guy. Perhaps he'd make a good LB coach one day. I dunno. I want to compare him to Chris Thorburn from the JETS, why did they resign him? Who knows, must be something they like. It's gotta be something we all can't see though. Kuale's '' veteran presence'' is as good as Korey Banks.
  4. 307 yards of total offense isn't a good game in the CFL.
  5. I don't really understand why guys like Kuale and Romby were signed to begin with, and I definitely don't understand why they're still in our starting lineup(despite Romby playing decent today). The only plausible reason I can think of is the Toronto connection and friendship they share with O'Shea. There's no football related reason for a guy like Kuale to be starting for us and the majority of us thought he was a questionable signing from the beginning.
  6. I disagree with Arsh. The Bombers D played great today with 16 points given up. Kuale on the hand is getting worse and worse every game. There's no way he deserves to stay in the lineup over Kromah when Wild is back.
  7. Like who? The QB fire sale was last year. Matt Nichols isn't beating out Kevin Glenn. QB Guru Wally is going to have to find and develop another guy. It's actually a little shocking he didn't have a promising prospect developing already.
  8. He's dressing. How much he will play remains to be seen. He's listed as a starting slot back but that doesn't always mean much. You guys have a ton of injured Canadians, do you even have anyone healthy worth putting on the roster in place of him?
  9. This might be the best thread ever on this site.
  10. I'm not knocking Morely's performance this year, for a guy who's been a whipping boy his entire time here by most people myself included he's performed amazing. It's just sad that we don't have that one all star dominant linemen that most teams seem too. It's even worse that our imports aren't any better than our Canadians.
  11. Steve Morely is our outstanding linemen. The sad but true state of the Bombers. It's hard to believe that him and January have been here six years already.
  12. The good news is the Riders are just as banged up as we are.
  13. Starting Romby when we have such severe ratio problems is really annoying. Hell, I'd be starting JFG over Romby AND Kelly at this point.
  14. Winnipeg brings in Kevin Glenn to back up Khari Jones, Hamilton brings him in to back up Quinton Porter, Calgary brings him in to back up Drew Tate & BC brings him in to back up Travis Lulay. Somehow he ends up as the full time starter on all four teams within half a year. If there's any silver lining here, there may be some justice in the fact that Glenn gets to start in BC while Burris rots away in his last years with the dumpster fire RedBlacks.
  15. I'm a big Lulay fan, its incredibly sad to see him go out like that. I can't believe Burris is getting paid nearly 500K. It looks like his arm has finally given out on him.
  16. This was odd. The Ottawa writer was completely out to lunch not even knowing what position players played. Chris Van Zeyl at guard instead of tackle. Charleston Hughes at DT not D-end Leggett at HB over Safety. I don't know how you can get Hughes mixed up. Van Zeyl played guard a lot last year, okay. Moved back to tackle though. The media and the majority fans don't know Jack about the O-line so I'll let that one slide. The Hughes and Leggett stuff is inexcusable though.
  17. Sears is someone who needs to be in the lineup if he's he's healthy enough to play.
  18. It might be hilarious if Watson wasn't an injury prone player who is usually a good bet to get hurt every few games.
  19. No, that is very unlikely. Probably should not be necessary either. We have a PR with guys on it. Give one a chance. Moore isn't out for the season, in the meantime we might discover our next great receiver. And if it involves any kind of pick it's probably a bad idea, big picture-wise. Almost every need for this team to take the next step is a need involving a NI player/position. But hey, if they want to take Kuale for one of those guys, thumbs up. Aaron Kelly is a replacement level player and Romby Bryant isn't even at that level. Our receiving core is extremely shallow without Nick Moore in the lineup. For a team with a below average running game and competing for a playoff spot, we have to do better than Kelly & Romby for two of our three import receiver spots. I'm not suggesting selling the farm for anyone, but if someone like Green or even London can be acquired for a reasonable price I'd consider pulling the trigger.
  20. With Matthews no longer a possibility, do we make a move to trade for an established CFL vet? Maybe try to pry Green, Carter or even Brandon London out of Montreal?
  21. Unless you're a Weston Dressler or Chris Matthews type player you almost always start off on the PR.
  22. Seems doubtful at this point. Most teams are set right now. The question is, how long will Matthews wait before coming back to the CFL?
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