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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Montreal is the worst team in the league. What a gong show. I knew they were in trouble after seeing Troy Smith miss receivers left and right in the preseason.
  2. Sucks that Neufeld is hurt, but thankfully it wasn't at the same time Greaves was out.
  3. I don't see any reason whatsoever to take JFG out for Watson at this point. Watson is still a better player than JFG. Moore and Watson will be big upgrades to the receiving core once they are both healthy. Kohlert is also a steady NI receiver, but if anyone may be relegated to the 3rd NI receiver it would be him IMO. I know I'm going to take flack because Kohlert is essentially the new Stoddard (actually, more skilled than Stoddard), but all of our receivers catch the ball extremely well. Not denying the talent of Watson, but he might be better suited to the role of rotational third NI receiver with his injury issues. Regardless, its a pretty good problem to have. Gone are the days of us starting Brock Ralph and Aaron Hargreaves.
  4. I don't see any reason whatsoever to take JFG out for Watson at this point.
  5. Its nice to say that we've found our starter for the next ten years. I don't think its jumping the gun to say that i believe Drew Willy will have a similar career to Ricky Ray. I loved the hustle from guys like Anderson & Peach, not to mention Aaron Kelly keeping up his strong play while proving some people around here very wrong was just a bonus.
  6. Henoc got six figures guaranteed. I would be surprised if him and Matthews weren't at least offered practice roster spots. With Sydney Rice retiring in Seattle, they have a real need for a big receiver to impress. I think Matthews is about the 6th or 7th receiver in Seattle right now with the team expected to carry five or six. He's right on the bubble and has a great chance to play his way onto(or off of) the team in camp. I would love to have them both back though. Let's add Phillip Hunt or Alex Hall while we're at it.
  7. Tough week with all the injuries. Guess I'll hop on the Whitaker train.
  8. I doubt he ever comes even close to sniffing the CFL, but if he ever did, he would be the best receiver in the league bar none. Assuming his heart were in it. I don't buy it. This guy was absolutely a college talent, but his body of work in his short pro career hasn't demonstrated that he's developed further than a college player. Small sample size obviously due to the various reasons he hasn't hit the field, but I don't buy that he'd come up here and dominate. Did you see him play last year? He was absolutely dominant on a horrific Jags team.
  9. I would like to see Hefney get another shot with a team like Ottawa. He was an extremely good player until 2011.
  10. We're extremely luck that Aaron Kelly is back this week. Our receiving core without Moore is one of the weakest in the league sans Ottawa.
  11. I can't see why we would continue to start Sherman if it isn't necessary.
  12. Davin Meggett is back in the NFL with the Colts.
  13. No chance Dressler goes anywhere but the Riders. I'd be more than happy to just get Chris Matthews back.
  14. Yeah that ONE carry by Cotton really proved that he doesn't deserve a chance.
  15. Replaced by who? Tanner Marsh? The only difference between Smith and Marsh is the color of their skin. Both of them can't do much but erratically throw the ball deep. I'm a little surprised Neiswander was never picked up actually. lol Not saying that he's great, but better than Alex Brink at least.
  16. Replaced by who? Tanner Marsh? The only difference between Smith and Marsh is the color of their skin. Both of them can't do much but erratically throw the ball deep. I'm a little surprised Neiswander was never picked up actually.
  17. I'm not a fan of wasting a roster spot on a second import running back unless he's also your returner.
  18. Ray struggled last night, but then against his best two receivers were a Canadian running back and someone signed off the street three days prior to the game.
  19. Our offence seems to have drifted more to double tight ends and RB blocking schemes over the first games... we need a Joe Smith for the game MB is calling now. Maybe Anthony Allen is the answer... 6'1, 220-230... Suber for Allen? So we want the Running back who is behind the guy we just cut?
  20. I think Kohlert would definitely produce more if he was put in a larger role. I'm in the camp that would like to see more passes his way. Agreed. I don't believe his lack of production is due to his play but rather how they've been using him.
  21. This does pose an interesting question, whats the Bombers record with Kevin Glenn as our starting QB this year?
  22. Poblah was benched for Marco I believe. Rory Kohlert seems to be a tad under utilized thus far, it'd be nice if we could get him involved in the offense a little more.
  23. Having Drew Willy run the QB sneaks has to be considered if we don't have any other QB capable of doing it even somewhat decently.
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